I am creating an HAProxy instance in a docker container (image: "haproxytech/haproxy-alpine:latest"). This uses haproxy version 2.8 (with OpenSSL installed), so the jwt_verify() function is available.
Here is a redacted (comments,corporate info) version of my haproxy.cfg file:
log stdout format raw local0
chroot /var/lib/haproxy
pidfile /var/run/haproxy.pid
maxconn 4000
user haproxy
group haproxy
mode http
log global
option httplog
option log-separate-errors
option dontlognull
option http-server-close
option forwardfor except
option redispatch
retries 3
maxconn 3000
timeout http-request 10s
timeout queue 1m
timeout connect 10s
timeout client 1m
timeout server 1m
timeout http-keep-alive 10s
timeout check 10s
frontend web-http
bind :80
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto http
# JWT checks for api requests
acl is_api hdr(host) -i -m end api.myapiserver.com
http-request deny content-type 'text/html' string 'Missing Authorization HTTP header' if is_api !{ req.hdr(authorization) -m found }
http-request set-var(txn.alg) http_auth_bearer,jwt_header_query('$.alg') if is_api
http-request set-var(txn.kid) http_auth_bearer,jwt_header_query('$.kid') if is_api
http-request set-var(txn.aud) http_auth_bearer,jwt_payload_query('$.aud') if is_api
http-request deny content-type "text/html" string "Incorrect JWT alg" if is_api !{ var(txn.alg) -m str "RS256" }
http-request set-var(txn.verify) http_auth_bearer,jwt_verify(txn.alg,"/usr/local/haproxy/jwt.pem"),debug('VERIFY',stdout)
http-request deny content-type "text/html" string "Failed to validate JWT" if is_api !{ var(txn.verify) -m int 1 }
log-format %[var(txn.aud)]\ %[var(txn.kid)]\ %[var(txn.jwt_verify)]\ %[var(txn.alg)]
default_backend api
backend offline
server offline1 maintenance:8080 check
backend api
server api1 check
server offline2 maintenance:8080 check backup
Here is the haproxy log output when i call the server with a POST request via curl:
proxy-haproxy-1 | [debug] VERIFY: type=sint <-5>
proxy-haproxy-1 | https://api.myapiserver.com o1ynZps8fCXTIjCPtBR0x - RS256
The curl command always returns:
Failed to validate JWT
As you can see in trying to debug this I have added the debug() function to the jwt_verify() function, which returns -5
The log-format line returns valid data such as aud and kid so that tells me haproxy is correctly processing the bearer data.
The JWT itself is via microsoft and is valid if I go to jwt.io, and paste it there. The jwt and signature are valid.
To try and validate the signature I get the JWKS data from the relevant microsoft endpoint which gives me a public key certificate in the x5c Attribute.
I then use openssl on that attribute to get the public key in an x509 format to be used by haproxy:
$ openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in ./x5c.pem > jwt.pem
I send up with the following as the contents of the jwt.pem:
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
However all I ever get is "Unknown Certificate"
See the following for error codes: https://docs.haproxy.org/2.8/configuration.html#7.3.1-jwt_verify
Things I have tried:
I have tried changing the location of the jwt.pem file in the container, I have tried changing the permissions of the file.
I have tried other combinations of public key, and certificate in jwt.pem file.
I have tried other methods of generating (node library, bash scripts) the jwt.pem file.
I have tried generating an RSA version of the key.
I have tried creating a JWT, and public/private key via Auth0 (following the haproxy instructions), same error.
I am running out of ideas, can anyone help?
In case someone else comes across this issue.
As I was always getting the same error I considered the fact that it might be something to do with the container setup, so I changed the folder that held the key in the container to:
and it all worked!
config file:
http-request set-var(txn.verify) http_auth_bearer,jwt_verify(txn.alg,"/certs/jwt.pem"),debug('VERIFY',stdout)
proxy-haproxy-1 | [debug] VERIFY: type=sint <1>
proxy-haproxy-1 | https://api.myapiserver.com o1ynZps8fCXTIjCPtBR0x - RS256
proxy-maintenance-1 | - - [19/Sep/2023:07:39:05 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 800 "-" "curl/8.1.2" ""
As you can see verify is now returning 1, and the request is being passed to the backend.
Whats more concerning now, is why this change worked.