I have a page with many elements, five of which are div elements with zero attributes. Each of those five divs have a shadow root/shadow dom. I am interested in only one of the five divs which has an element with specific text. I am unable to find and filter out the correct div. How do I do that ? I have some code which works only when I have one such div instead of five.
'div.items span:contains("7")',
includeShadowDom: true,
I think you might be specifying the div#shadowroot
twice - once in the get and once in the find.
If I construct a similar page using Cypress' <cy-test-element>
which has shadowDOM children, I can find span:contains("7")
without problem.
Test page with five shadow elements
<cy-test-element content="1"></cy-test-element>
<cy-test-element content="3"></cy-test-element>
<cy-test-element content="5"></cy-test-element>
<cy-test-element content="7"></cy-test-element>
<cy-test-element content="9"></cy-test-element>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.customElements) {
window.customElements.define('cy-test-element', class extends HTMLElement {
constructor () {
const root = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' })
const content = this.getAttribute('content') || 'Shadow Content'
const className = this.hasAttribute('innerClass') ? this.getAttribute('innerClass') : 'shadow-content'
const rootAddition = this.hasAttribute('rootAddition') ? this.getAttribute('rootAddition') : 'shadow-content'
root.innerHTML = `<div class="shadow-div"><span class="${className}">${content}</span><input /><slot></slot></div>${rootAddition}`
if (window.location.search.includes('wrap-qsa')) {
const realQuerySelectorAll = document.querySelectorAll;
document.querySelectorAll = function (...args) {
return realQuerySelectorAll.apply(document, args);
DOM of live page
<cy-test-element innerclass="7" content="7">
<div class="shadow-div">
<span class="7">7</span>
.find('span:contains("7")', {includeShadowDom:true}) // passes