How to convert a column containing sequence of numbers into another column with sequence of alphabets against it e.g., 0 as a, 1 as b likewise. Since numbers would range from 0-9 so does alphabets from a-j respectively. Please help.
ssn_num |
1342 |
4321 |
2133 |
expected output
ssn_num | alpha_op |
1342 | bdec |
4321 | edcb |
2133 | cbdd |
Split the column then transform each digit to an ascii code point in the range (97-122) and finally convert the ascii code back to a character.
df = df.withColumn('alpha_op', F.expr("array_join(transform(split(ssn_num, ''), x -> char(97 + cast(x as integer))), '')"))
| 1342| bdec|
| 4321| edcb|
| 2133| cbdd|