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Group-wise total in Pandas

I have a pandas table like below with groupby applied to get Groups 0, 1 and 2 as follows:

Group 0 Group 1 Group 2 Count
A X1 577.5000 6
894.8700 2
X2 2697.3100 48
2697.3100 1
B3 2697.3100 30
B C12 34.2700 9
39.2700 3

I would like to get group wise total in pandas like below:

Group 0 Group 1 Group 2 Count Group 1 Total by Count
A X1 577.5000 6 8
894.8700 2 8
X2 2697.3100 48 49
2697.3100 1 49
B3 2697.3100 30 30
B C12 34.2700 9 12
39.2700 3 12

I am able to calculate cumulative sum using df.groupby(level=[0,1]).cumsum() but now sure if there is a way to achieve this.


  • You can use groupby.transform to transform a sum call over the groups.

    df['Group 1 Total by Count'] = df.groupby(['Group 0', 'Group 1'])['Count'].transform('sum')
