I have a SvelteKit application in which I want to enable authentication via the Auth.js library.
My project setup is as follows:
import { SvelteKitAuth } from '@auth/sveltekit';
import GoogleProvider from '@auth/core/providers/google';
import { GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET } from '$env/static/private';
export const handle = SvelteKitAuth({
providers: [GoogleProvider({ clientId: GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, clientSecret: GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET })],
import { redirect } from '@sveltejs/kit';
export const load = async (event) => {
const session = await event.locals.getSession();
if (!session) {
throw redirect(307, 'auth/signin');
return {
<h1>Protected route</h1>
When I navigate to the protected route (/protected), I get the default Google OAuth popup from Auth.js. However, I once I select my Gmail account to proceed, the console states the following error:
[auth][error][CallbackRouteError]: Read more at https://errors.authjs.dev#callbackrouteerror
[auth][cause]: TypeError: "client.client_secret" property must be a non-empty string
I tried going through the documentation mentioned at the URL given in the error message, but I couldn't figure out the issue. I have configured the proper domain URL in the Google Console as well while setting up my project.
SvelteKit allows access to environment variables starting with PUBLIC_ from the client-side code. All other environment variables are private and accessible only by server-side code.