How can I create Apex code that calculates an exact date/time after 72 hours of service from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 6 pm, and Saturdays from 8 am to 1 pm, taking into account holidays and using an initial date as a base? In other words, I need to provide the method with the start date and service hours so that it can calculate the final date.
I will provide two examples:
My initial date/time is 01/09/2023 08:00 am, and my service hours are 8, so my final date should be 01/09/2023 04:00 pm.
My initial date/time is 01/09/2023 08:00:00, and my service hours are 12, so my final date should be 02/09/2023 10:00:00. In this example, since my schedule is from Mon-Fri from 8 am to 6 pm, it skips to the 2nd day because on the 1st day, after 6 pm, it doesn't count until the next day, starting at 8 am.
I tried the following code, but it doesn't give me the expected results.
public class DateTimeCalculator {
// Method to calculate the final date/time
public static Datetime calculateFinalDatetime(Datetime initialDatetime, Integer serviceHours) {
Integer dailyWorkHours = 8;
Datetime finalDatetime = initialDatetime;
List<Date> holidays = new List<Date>{Date.newInstance(2023, 9, 4)}; // List of holidays
while (serviceHours > 0) {
if (isWorkingDay(finalDatetime)) {
Integer hoursUntilEndOfDay = (finalDatetime.addHours(18).getTime() - finalDatetime.getTime()) / 3600000;
if (serviceHours <= hoursUntilEndOfDay) {
finalDatetime = finalDatetime.addHours(serviceHours);
serviceHours = 0;
} else {
finalDatetime = finalDatetime.addHours(16); // Adjust to 8 am of the next day
finalDatetime = finalDatetime.addDays(1);
serviceHours -= hoursUntilEndOfDay;
} else {
finalDatetime = finalDatetime.addHours(16); // Adjust to 8 am of the next day
finalDatetime = finalDatetime.addDays(1);
return finalDatetime;
// Method to check if a day is a working day
private static Boolean isWorkingDay(Datetime day) {
// Define working days (Monday to Friday) and Saturdays
return (day.format('E') != 'Sat' && day.format('E') != 'Sun') ||
(day.format('E') == 'Sat' && day.hour() >= 8 && day.hour() < 13);
There's a better way, built-in method that does this calculation including weekends, holidays, daylight saving time...
Go to Setup -> Business Hours. Configure your opening times and couple public holidays. Then read up about or search questions about it like and