I have a JpaRepository that is calling an Oracle function, which can return a handfull of application errors. I've successfully handled the errors with the following util method:
private Integer pullOracleErrorCodeFromJpaException(JpaSystemException t) {
if (t.getCause().getCause() instanceof SQLException) {
SQLException sqlException = (SQLException) t.getCause().getCause();
return sqlException.getErrorCode();
return null;
I can then key off of returned error in the JpaSystemException catch block like so:
try {
personProfile = personRepository.findPersonProfile(
} catch (JpaSystemException jse) {
Integer oracleErrorCode = pullOracleErrorCodeFromJpaException(jse);
if (oracleErrorCode == null) {
throw new OracleErrorException("Oracle Function returned an error.");
else if (oracleErrorCode == 20001) {
throw new InvalidRequestException("At least one variable is required to run the acp usac function.");
} else if (oracleErrorCode == 20002) {
throw new InvalidRequestException("Make sure you enter billing account in the billing account field.");
} else if (oracleErrorCode == 20003) {
throw new InvalidRequestException("Make sure you enter a customer account in the customer account field.");
} else {
throw new OracleErrorException("Oracle function returned an unrecognized application error.");
Which works great! However I'm having a hard time figuring out how to unit test the various return codes from Oracle, since they're 2 exceptions deep. Is it possible to set a cause 2 levels deep in a org.mockito.Mockito.doThrow
so that I can validate each Oracle error code throws the correct subsequent exception?
has a public constructor, so you can simply create an instance of it for your test:
final int errorCode = 20001;
final Exception ex = new JpaSystemException(
new Exception(
new SQLException("reason", "sqlstate", errorCode)));
// ex.getCause().getCause() is your SQLException