I'm trying to conditionally replace a column if both of these columns are either null or had blank space. I would like to know if this is possible for future use of this logic with other conditions. I don't know how to force the two OR statements simultaneously as parenthesis would in a math function or SQL.
Psuedo code
column a
with not listed
column a is null or blank
and column b is null or blank
.I was trying the following, but it made everything that had a null [NOT LISTED]
I'm' looking for IF (column a is X OR Y) AND (column b is X OR Y) then replace column a with [NOT LISTED] Parenthesis in this language are for functions unlike SQL. Is there some character that is the equivalent or way to force the order of operations?
Table.ReplaceValue(#"Previous step",
each [Country],
each if [Country"] = null or Text.Trim([Country]) = "" and
[#"Org Country"] = null or Text.Trim([#"Org Country"]) = ""
then "[NOT LISTED]"
else null
Try this
x= Table.ReplaceValue(#"PriorStepNameHere", each [a], each if ([a]=null or [a]="") and ([b]=null or [b]="") then "Not Listed" else [a] ,Replacer.ReplaceValue,{"a"})
if a and b are blank or null, make a into "not listed" otherwise leave a alone