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Error - New-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy : 1032: ConditionalActionPolicy validation failed due to InvalidControls

Whenever I try and run this json file to create a conditional access policy for geoblocking, it keeps coming back with:

 New-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy : 1032: ConditionalActionPolicy validation failed due to InvalidControls.
    Status: 400 (BadRequest)
    ErrorCode: BadRequest
    Date: 2023-09-13T22:10:38
    Transfer-Encoding             : chunked
    Vary                          : Accept-Encoding
    Strict-Transport-Security     : max-age=31536000
    request-id                    : 68fdbd3b-3a45-4ddb-956a-7e8e6fed69e4
    client-request-id             : 23bfe620-7fb8-4c4b-925d-e7d2c4a3d2c0
    x-ms-ags-diagnostic           : {"ServerInfo":{"DataCenter":"West US 2","Slice":"E","Ring":"1","ScaleUnit":"004","RoleInstance":"MW2PEPF0000E056"}}
    Cache-Control                 : no-cache
    Date                          : Wed, 13 Sep 2023 22:10:38 GMT
    At C:\\Users\\MarkKearney\\OneDrive - Netsmart Inc\\Documents\\CondAccess\\Deploy-Policies.ps1:295 char:9
    +         New-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy -BodyParameter $request ...
    +         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: ({ body = Micros...lAccessPolicy }:\<\>f__AnonymousType0\`1) \[New-MgIdentityC...ssPolicy_Create\], Exception
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : BadRequest,Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Cmdlets.NewMgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy_Create

Here is the JSON file.

    "displayName": "Netsmart - <RING> - Geoblock - Outside US & Canada",
    "createdDateTime": null,
    "modifiedDateTime": null,
    "state": "enabledForReportingButNotEnforced",
    "sessionControls": null,
    "conditions": {
        "signInRiskLevels": [],
        "clientAppTypes": ["All"],
        "platforms": null,
        "locations": {
            "excludeLocations": ["15b3734a-b51f-4aa9-b76d-4d3a137222ba", "18bde4b6-cb0d-45ea-8058-9578d3ace326"],
            "includeLocations": ["All"]
        "deviceStates": null,
        "applications": {
            "includeApplications": ["All"],
            "excludeApplications": [],
            "includeUserActions": []
        "users": {
            "includeUsers": ["All"],
            "excludeUsers": [],
            "includeGroups": [],
            "excludeGroups": [],
            "includeRoles": [],
            "excludeRoles": []
    "grantControls": {
        "operator": "OR",
        "builtInControls": [],
        "customAuthenticationFactors": [],
        "termsOfUse": []

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Im pretty new to Azure and JSON -> Azure Conditional Access policies.


  • New-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy : 1032: ConditionalActionPolicy validation failed due to InvalidControls.

    The error message you received indicates that the Conditional Access policy you are trying to create has invalid controls (InvalidControls). When I attempted to create a Conditional Policy by passing an empty value, I also encountered the same error as you.

    enter image description here

    The "builtInControls" should contain one or more built-in controls that specify what actions should be taken.

    To resolve this issue, you should specify at least one valid built-in control that defines what action should be taken when the conditions are met. Common built-in controls include "block", "allow", "requireMFA", and others.

            "displayName": "Geoblock - Outside US & Canada",
            "createdDateTime": null,
            "modifiedDateTime": null,
            "state": "enabledForReportingButNotEnforced",
            "sessionControls": null,
            "conditions": {
                "signInRiskLevels": [],
                "clientAppTypes": ["All"],
                "platforms": null,
                "locations": {
                    "excludeLocations": ["15b3734a-b51f-4aa9-b76d-4d3a137222ba", "18bde4b6-cb0d-45ea-8058-9578d3ace326"],
                    "includeLocations": ["All"]
                "deviceStates": null,
                "applications": {
                    "includeApplications": ["All"],
                    "excludeApplications": [],
                    "includeUserActions": []
                "users": {
                    "includeUsers": ["All"],
                    "excludeUsers": [],
                    "includeGroups": [],
                    "excludeGroups": [],
                    "includeRoles": [],
                    "excludeRoles": []
            "grantControls": {
                "operator": "OR",
               "builtInControls": ["block"],
                "customAuthenticationFactors": [],
                "termsOfUse": []


    enter image description here

    Once the above script was executed, the Conditional Access Policy was successfully created in the portal.

    enter image description here