In the below code I am initializing all my non-nullable member variables. But C# does not recognize it. Is there a way to avoid the warnings other than using
_elevatorPitch = default!;
#pragma warning disable CS8618
I like to make use of the warnings and having it ignore it for specific cases means I won't get a warning for cases where I am not initializing as I should.
But in this case, everything is being initialized.
public CreateAppointmentDto(Event src, AppUser user, IBlobService blobService,
IDocumentService documentService, IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory, IEnumerable<Interest> allInterests)
AllInterests = allInterests;
ApplyFromEvent(src, user, blobService);
public void ApplyFromEvent(Event src, AppUser user, IBlobService blobService)
if (src.AppointmentType == ExAppointmentType.OccurrenceInstance)
throw new ArgumentException("Cannot edit an appointment that is an occurrence instance.");
Event = src;
Type = src.Type;
_subject = src.Subject;
_elevatorPitch = src.ElevatorPitch ?? string.Empty;
HasAddress = src.HasAddress;
AddressModel = new AddressFormPageModel(src.Address);
Workplace = src.Workplace;
Priority = src.Priority;
MaxSignups = src.MaxSignups;
Enabled = src.Enabled;
Private = src.Private;
Owner = src.Owner;
ParentId = src.Parent.Id;
Interest = src.Interest;
Tags = src.Tags ?? new List<Tag>();
// bugbug DescriptionRichText!.RichText = src.Description;
Thumbnail = new FileUploadModel(blobService, src.Thumbnail, SystemBlobs.EventUploadThumbnail);
Picture = new FileUploadModel(blobService, src.Picture, SystemBlobs.EventUploadPicture);
StartDateTime = src.StartDateTime.DateTime;
EndDateTime = src.EndDateTime.DateTime;
TimeZoneId = src.StartDateTime.TimeZoneId;
var signup = src.Signups.FirstOrDefault(s => s.User.Id == user.Id);
StatusId = (int)(signup?.Commitment ?? Signup.Mode.Unknown);
AppointmentType = (AppointmentType)(int)src.AppointmentType;
AllDay = src.ApptAllDay;
RecurrenceInfo = src.RecurrenceInfo;
Shifts = src.ApptShifts != null ? ShiftItemModel.FromShiftList(src.ApptShifts) : new List<ShiftItemModel>();
And here's the warnings:
2>C:\Git\LouisHowe\LouisHowe.web\PageModels\EventJob\CreateAppointmentDto.cs(276,10,276,30): warning CS8618: Non-nullable field '_subject' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the field as nullable.
2>C:\Git\LouisHowe\LouisHowe.web\PageModels\EventJob\CreateAppointmentDto.cs(276,10,276,30): warning CS8618: Non-nullable field '_elevatorPitch' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the field as nullable.
2>C:\Git\LouisHowe\LouisHowe.web\PageModels\EventJob\CreateAppointmentDto.cs(276,10,276,30): warning CS8618: Non-nullable property 'TimeZoneId' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the property as nullable.
2>C:\Git\LouisHowe\LouisHowe.web\PageModels\EventJob\CreateAppointmentDto.cs(276,10,276,30): warning CS8618: Non-nullable property 'AddressModel' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the property as nullable.
2>C:\Git\LouisHowe\LouisHowe.web\PageModels\EventJob\CreateAppointmentDto.cs(276,10,276,30): warning CS8618: Non-nullable property 'Tags' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the property as nullable.
2>C:\Git\LouisHowe\LouisHowe.web\PageModels\EventJob\CreateAppointmentDto.cs(276,10,276,30): warning CS8618: Non-nullable property 'Thumbnail' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the property as nullable.
2>C:\Git\LouisHowe\LouisHowe.web\PageModels\EventJob\CreateAppointmentDto.cs(276,10,276,30): warning CS8618: Non-nullable property 'Picture' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the property as nullable.
2>C:\Git\LouisHowe\LouisHowe.web\PageModels\EventJob\CreateAppointmentDto.cs(276,10,276,30): warning CS8618: Non-nullable property 'Shifts' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the property as nullable.
You can apply the MemberNotNull
attribute to ApplyFromEvent
to tell the compiler that the specified member is not null when the method returns:
[MemberNotNull(nameof(_subject)), MemberNotNull(nameof(_elevatorPitch)), /* etc. */]
public void ApplyFromEvent(Event src, AppUser user, IBlobService blobService)
// ...
This is a bit verbose, though, because you'll have to say it for every member.