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Is there a way to customize the date picker flyout in win ui 3?

I want to change the colour of the selection element (the blue bar indicating the current date selection) to #020066 and change the fontfamily of the flyout.

enter image description here

I've tried using the theme resources for date picker flyout presenter provided in github but it isn't doing anything.

I haven't really used anything UWP related before so I don't know if I'm missing something. Or is that UI Element uneditable?


I found a way to change the font of the datepicker and the color using the app.xaml file.

You override the contentcontroltheme and the datepickerhighlightfill properties like this:

<SolidColorBrush x:Key="DatePickerFlyoutPresenterHighlightFill" Color="#020066"/>
<FontFamily x:Key="ContentControlThemeFontFamily">/Assets/Fonts/Righteous Regular.ttf/#Righteous</FontFamily>

I hope this helps.


  • This flyout is a DatePickerFlyoutPresenter and from the generic.xaml, you can learn that this is a Grid named HighlightRect.

    To change the Background of the HighlightRect:

    public MainPage()
        this.DatePickerControl.LayoutUpdated += DatePickerControl_LayoutUpdated;
    private void DatePickerControl_LayoutUpdated(object? sender, object e)
        if (VisualTreeHelper
            .FirstOrDefault() is Popup popup &&
            popup.Child.FindDescendant<Grid>(x => x.Name is "HighlightRect") is Grid highlightRect &&
            popup.Child.FindDescendants().OfType<LoopingSelector>() is IEnumerable<LoopingSelector> loopingSelectors)
            highlightRect.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGreen);
            foreach (LoopingSelector loopingSelector in loopingSelectors)
                loopingSelector.FontSize = 20;


    FindDescendant comes from the CommunityToolkit.WinUI.Extensions NuGet package.