I want to change the colour of the selection element (the blue bar indicating the current date selection) to #020066 and change the fontfamily of the flyout.
I've tried using the theme resources for date picker flyout presenter provided in github but it isn't doing anything.
I haven't really used anything UWP related before so I don't know if I'm missing something. Or is that UI Element uneditable?
I found a way to change the font of the datepicker and the color using the app.xaml file.
You override the contentcontroltheme and the datepickerhighlightfill properties like this:
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="DatePickerFlyoutPresenterHighlightFill" Color="#020066"/>
<FontFamily x:Key="ContentControlThemeFontFamily">/Assets/Fonts/Righteous Regular.ttf/#Righteous</FontFamily>
I hope this helps.
This flyout is a DatePickerFlyoutPresenter
and from the generic.xaml, you can learn that this is a Grid
named HighlightRect.
To change the Background
of the HighlightRect:
public MainPage()
this.DatePickerControl.LayoutUpdated += DatePickerControl_LayoutUpdated;
private void DatePickerControl_LayoutUpdated(object? sender, object e)
if (VisualTreeHelper
.FirstOrDefault() is Popup popup &&
popup.Child.FindDescendant<Grid>(x => x.Name is "HighlightRect") is Grid highlightRect &&
popup.Child.FindDescendants().OfType<LoopingSelector>() is IEnumerable<LoopingSelector> loopingSelectors)
highlightRect.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGreen);
foreach (LoopingSelector loopingSelector in loopingSelectors)
loopingSelector.FontSize = 20;
comes from the CommunityToolkit.WinUI.Extensions NuGet package.