I've got a two column layout in a grid where I want the columns to have the width they need. This works when I have two columns. But when I add a div that spans two columns, the smallest column becomes wider than it needs to be. Causing the wide column to wrap when it's not needed.
The following code:
<div style="display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto auto">
<div>Small text</div>
<div>Longer text that needs more space</div>
<div style="grid-column: span 2">
A very long text that needs so much space
I will give it two columns
Produces the following:
As you can see, for some reason the text "space" is placed on a second line. The code without the very long text will show it on one line.
How do I get it on one line, with the very long text in two columns?
You can set grid-template-columns: auto 1fr
<div style="display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto 1fr; column-gap:.4em;">
<div>Small text</div>
<div>Longer text that needs more space</div>
<div style="grid-column: span 2">
A very long text that needs so much space
I will give it two columns