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SpringBoot 2 YAML Properties Test Not Working

Trying to test yaml properties mapping to a pojo in Springboot 2.7.11 but the pojo keeps coming up as null.


    - field1: name
      field2: address
    - field1: name
      field2: address

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "configItems")
public class ConfigItems {

  private List<Item> items;
  public static class Item {
    private String field1;
    private String field2;

@EnableConfigurationProperties(value = ConfigItems.class)
public class MapFromYamlTest {
  private ConfigItems configItems;

  public void everythingMappedCorrectly() {
    assertNotNull(configItems, "Config is null");

I've tried a number of annotation variations on the test hence why it is now using both the ExtendWith and SpringBootTest annotations. I've tried one or the other. I've tried variations of ContextConfiguration in addition to the other annotations. I just don't get why the assertion keeps failing...


  • The problem was with my @Test annotation...

    I commented out almost the entire project and any dependencies. Finally took a look at my imports after it was still failing with nothing else remaining. I'm using Junit 5 as is obvious from the @ExtendWith annotation but what IntelliJ did was auto import

    import org.junit.Test which is junit 4

    and what I needed was import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test instead which is unit 5.
