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OpenLiberty custom feature dataSource

I'd like my custom OSGi Liberty feature to inject/lookup JNDI datasource, the one that is already defined 'as usual'. Something like this:

<server description="my-server">

<!-- I prefer this, not being forced to define url, driver, username and password here as well -->
<myJdbcRegistry dataSourceJndiName="jdbc/myDataSource" />

<!-- This dataSource exists anyway, i do not want to repeat all attributes that are inside -->
<dataSource id="my-dataSource" connectionManagerRef="connection-manager" jndiName="jdbc/myDataSource" transactional="true" type="javax.sql.DataSource"> 
    <jdbcDriver libraryRef="oracle-ojdbc8-library"/> 
    < URL="${my.db.url}" driverType="thin" password="{xor}${my.db.password}" user="${my.db.user}"/> 

<library id="oracle-ojdbc8-library"> 
    <fileset dir="${shared.resource.dir}/jdbc" includes="ojdbc8-"/> 

Is this even possible to do? I tried several approaches without results (different InitialContext lookups, OSGi BundleContext#createFilter, BundleContext#getServiceReferences).


  • Yes, it's possible, but there is some complexity to it. The dataSource element isn't actually a DataSource. It's a ResourceFactory for creating a data source based on a resource reference. In Liberty, configuration usually references other configuration by its id, so more typical configuration that follows conventions of other config elements would look like this:

    <myJdbcRegistry dataSourceRef="my-dataSource"/>

    Here's an example from Liberty code itself where another configuration element requires a dataSource and references it by id,


      <AD id="dataSourceRef"                     type="String"  default="DefaultDataSource" ibm:type="pid" ibm:reference="" name="%dataSource" description="%dataSoure.desc"/>
      <AD id=""          type="String"  default="(${dataSourceRef})" ibm:final="true" name="internal" description="internal use only"/>

    OSGI bind method:

        @Reference(target = "(id=unbound)")
        protected void setDataSourceFactory(ResourceFactory svc) {


            ResourceConfig resourceInfo = resourceConfigFactory.createResourceConfig(DataSource.class.getName());
            DataSource dataSource = (DataSource) dataSourceFactory.createResource(resourceInfo);