I have an existing generic Kubernetes secret that exported as YAML (using kubectl get secret -o yaml > secret.yaml
), looks like this:
kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
type: Opaque
name: some-secret-key-files
host1.example.com.key: c2VjcmV0IG51bWJlciBvbmUK
host2.example.com.key: c2VjcmV0IG51bWJlciB0d28K
Now I have a new key file named host3.example.com.key
, with these contents:
secret number three
What is easiest way to add the contents of this file base64-encoded to secret.yaml
, so that in the end it looks like this:
kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
type: Opaque
name: some-secret-key-files
host1.example.com.key: c2VjcmV0IG51bWJlciBvbmUK
host2.example.com.key: c2VjcmV0IG51bWJlciB0d28K
host3.example.com.key: c2VjcmV0IG51bWJlciB0aHJlZQo=
In the end, exporting the secret to a YAML file was not needed at all. With kubectl patch secret
this can be done 'online' like this:
kubectl patch secret some-secret-key-files --patch="{\"data\": {\"host3.example.com.key\": \"$(base64 -w0 host3.example.com.key)\"}}"
This will add a new file entry to the existing secret some-secret-key-files
, and use base64(1)
to base64 encode the contents of the local host3.example.com.key