I'm currently following this tutorial / resource: https://github.com/amzker/Gsheet_Godot This outputs data sent from a Godot program to a sheet that looks like this,
GreekAlphabet | WhatHungryDogDo | BananasGoodFor | HowManyWords |
Alpha | The | Bananas | These |
Beta | Hungry | Are | Are |
Delta | Dog | Nice | Four |
Gamma | Eats | Snacks | Words |
My goal is to upload data to a Google Sheet from Godot in a format that resembles this,
GreekAlphabet | Alpha | Beta | Delta | Gamma |
WhatHungryDogDo | The | Hungry | Dog | Eats |
BananasGoodFor | Bananas | Are | Nice | Snacks |
HowManyWords | These | Are | Four | Words |
The relevant apps script code is as follows:
function json(sheetName) {
const spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1h_KlXz9IWt2MtQQWYUSk4FJbIr02MbfXWU3ZRqY7U3I") //CHANGE WITH YOUR SHEET ID ( see url of you sheet d/)
const sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(sheetName)
const data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues()
const jsonData = convertToJson(data)
return ContentService
function convertToJson(data) {
const headers = data[0]
const raw_data = data.slice(1,)
let json = []
raw_data.forEach(d => {
let object = {}
for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
object[headers[i]] = d[i]
return json
function doGet(params) {
const sheetname = params.parameter.sheetname
return json(sheetname)
function doPost(params) {
const datee = params.parameter.date
const timee = params.parameter.time
const catee = params.parameter.cate
const amounte = params.parameter.amount
const desce = params.parameter.desc
const sheetname = params.parameter.sheetname
if(typeof params !== 'undefined')
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1h_KlXz9IWt2MtQQWYUSk4FJbIr02MbfXWU3ZRqY7U3I") //CHANGE WITH YOUR SHEET ID ( see url of you sheet d/)
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetname)
var Rowtoenter = sheet.getLastRow()+1
var datecol = sheet.getRange(Rowtoenter,1)
var timecol = sheet.getRange(Rowtoenter,2)
var catecol = sheet.getRange(Rowtoenter,3)
var amountcol = sheet.getRange(Rowtoenter,4)
var descol = sheet.getRange(Rowtoenter,5)
When the data leaves Godot, it's in the form of a URL with a string of parameters appended.
Once it reaches Sheets, it's converted into the first kind of table, where I really want it to appear as the second kind of table. =/
I'm trying to wade through the source and read through the Docs (https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/spreadsheet/sheet) but I'm very new to working with JSON and I'm finding it hard to get a starting point.
Any thoughts appreciated!
(https://i.sstatic.net/EY0Yl.png) (https://i.sstatic.net/kASx9.png)
const spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1h_KlXz9IWt2MtQQWYUSk4FJbIr02MbfXWU3ZRqY7U3I")
/** Requires sheet to already be in column-header format */
function convertToJson(data) {
return data.flatMap(([header, ...rowData]) => ({ [header]: [...rowData] }))
function json(sheetName) {
const data = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(sheetName).getDataRange().getValues()
const jsonData = convertToJson(data)
return ContentService
function doGet(params) {
return json(params.parameter.sheetname)
function doPost(params) {
const { date, time, cat, amount, desc, sheetname } = params.parameter
const sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(sheetName)
const entryColumn = sheet.getLastColumn()+1
const columnData = [date, time, cat, amount, desc].map(item => [item])
sheet.getRange(1, entryColumn, columnData.length, 1).setValues(columnData)
If your sheet(s) are still in the "top row as header" format, you can run:
function convertSheet() {
const sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(`**YOUR_SHEET**`)
const sheetValues = sheet.getDataRange().getValues()
const convertedValues = sheetValues[0].map((_, index) => sheetValues.flatMap(row => row[index]))
sheet.getRange(1, 1, convertedValues.length, convertedValues[0].length).setValues(convertedValues)