For a minimalistic SimpleFileServer pseudocode below, how to disable directory listing?
var server = HttpsServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(port), 2)
server.createContext("/file", SimpleFileServer.createFileHandler(Path.of("d:\file")));
If you put an index file (index.html or index.htm) in the directory, then that will be served, rather than the directory contents.
One more thing: you probably want a / at the end of the context path (so "/file/") as per the note in the API:
The path should generally, but is not required to, end with '/'. If the path does not end with '/', eg such as with "/foo" then this would match requests with a path of "/foobar" or "/foo/bar".
var server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(8080), 2);
var fileHandler = SimpleFileServer.createFileHandler(Path.of("d:\file"));
server.createContext("/file/", (exchange) -> {
if (exchange.getHttpContext().getPath().equals(exchange.getRequestURI().getPath())) {
try (exchange) {
exchange.setAttribute("request-path", "could not resolve request URI path");
exchange.sendResponseHeaders(404, 0);
} else {