i'm trying to use the rxtx 2.0 jars and dll to use the java comm api in windows xp, i copied the RXTXcomm.jar to jre\ext and rxtxSerial.dll and rxtxParallel.dll to jre\bin
When I run the program I got the following error:
Error loading SolarisSerial: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no SolarisSerialParallel in java.library.path Caught java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.sun.comm.SolarisDriver.readRegistrySerial(Ljava/util/Vector;Ljava/lang/String;)I while loading driver com.sun.comm.SolarisDriver
why is it trying to load the solaris driver?? Thanks in advance
For windows, I suggest using "Windows Java Serial Com Port Driver" rather than rxtx. You can download it from http://www.engidea.com/blog/informatica/winjcom/winjcom.html I've found it much easier to install and use and much more bug-free. I was unable to use RXTX with USB serial devices because RXTX would crash when the USB port was unplugged. winjcom solved these problems for me, and more. -Stosh