In my scatterplot visualization, I added a "Curve from Data Table" with a custom expression that references variables from this data table. How can I do this via ironpython?
It all revolves around the FittingModels module. Assuming it is a ScatterPlot:
from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import *
from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals.FittingModels import *
# Get visual v by name
# (alternatively input v as input parameter of type Visualization)
for vv in vss:
if vv.Title=='the title of your chart': v=vv
# This should already be a ScatterPlot, just cast it
# Get hold of the FittingModels for this chart
# If you want to remove all
# Define the new curve from data table
data_table=Document.Data.Tables["the name of your data table"]
curve_name = 'the name you give to the new curve'
curve_expression = 'the curve expression'
# If the curve already exists, do nothing, otherwise add it
for ff in fitting_models:
if ff.Curve.DisplayName==curve_name:
if exists==False:
new_curve = fitting_models.AddCurve(data_table,curve_expression)