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Transform Table Format From Vertical to Horizontal

I found a similar post to what I want to achieve but the other way around

I want to transform this

City Name Address
City A Company A Address A
City B Company B Address B
City A Company C Address C
City B Company D Address D

to this

Name_1 Address_1 Name_2 Address_2
City A Company A Address A Company C Address C
City B Company B Address B Company D Address D

I tried using Pivot Table, Power Query, and measure and ended up with this result.

Name_1 Address_1
City A Company A, Company C Address A, Address C
City B Company B, Company D Address B, Address D

I've been stuck on it for hours but I just can't find a way to do it using Pivot Table. I saw articles about VBA explaining this but I dont have experience with it. Will learn VBA as my last resort.



  • Give a try to the following formula-


    enter image description here