I have a test setup configured with Mocha and nyc.
I'm trying to exclude a certain file from the report. So I tried this:
"nyc": {
"exclude": [
And it actually seems to works because the overall percentage moves up (from 48% to 60%). However, I can still see the file under file section in the report as if the above lines do not have any effect on this.
I even tried the following. But it didn't work.
"test:coverage": "APOS_TEST=1 nyc --reporter=html mocha --file ./test/lib/setup.js \"test/**/*.{spec,test}.js\" --ignore ./sites/modules/carousel-widget/",
How can I be able to get this excluded in the reports?
What worked for me is this:
"nyc": {
"exclude": ["**/sites/modules/carousel-widget/*",
Not sure why giving the exact path doesn't work. Wildcard at the start does the job though.