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How to get everything after a = sign in my urls as an event in GTM with Javascript

I am trying to get some custom JS working in Google Tag Manager. What I am trying to do is make it so that anything after an = sign in my outgoing links is tracked as an event in GTM.

For example my links look like this...

In the urls above I want to capture both "link1" and "link2" as my link id in GTM.

This is the code I am trying to make work with no luck so far. Anyone see what I have wrong?

  var link_id = {{Click Path}}.split('=')[1];
  if({{Event}}.match(=.*)) return {{Event}};
  if(link_id.match(=.*)) return link_id;
  return false;


  • Something like:

    var link_id = {{Click Path}}.split('=').pop();
    return link_id;

    This uses split() to split the {{click Path}} variable at each occurrence of = sign and then uses pop() to extract the last element of the resulting array, which is the value after the last = sign in the URL.

    EDIT: Updated the code

    var link_id = {{Click Path}}.split('?')[1].split('=')[1];
    return link_id;

    Now it first uses the split() method to split the {{Click Path}} variable at the first occurrence of the ? character, and then uses a second split() to split the resulting string at each occurrence of the = character. The value after the last = sign in the URL is then extracted by accessing the second element of the resulting array.