Is there a way to use SQLAlchemy's ORM framework with a JSON column in Trino? Here's my attempt so far:
pip install trino[sqlalchemy]
(See for installation details.)
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, select
from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from sqlalchemy.schema import Table, Column, MetaData
engine = create_engine(...)
Base = declarative_base()
table = Table(
Column('json_col', postgresql.JSON), # I have tried other JSON types:
with Session(engine_prod_a_agentservice) as session:
test_ids = ['abc','def']
stmt = select(table).where(
result = session.execute(stmt)
This does not work because the generated WHERE clause is not correct (the following code being taken from the output of print(stmt)
WHERE ((table.json_col[:json_col_1]) ->> :param_1) IN (__[POSTCOMPILE_param_2])
In the Trino dialect of SQL I would achieve this as follows:
WHERE cast(json_extract(json_col,'$.key1.key2') as varchar) IN ('abc', 'def')
Is what I want to achieve possible or is the functionality just not there (yet)?
As you have self-explained, you need to use the Trino 'json_extract' method. Try something like this:
from sqlalchemy import func, String
stmt = select(table).where(func.cast(func.json_extract(table.json_col, f'$.key1.key2'), String).in_(test_ids))