The context is group discounts where a group of people between 4-7 would get a 5% discount and a group between 8-12 would get 10%. When I query with 5
people. I get []
back using the following query:
await Discount.find({ amount: { $gte:5, $lte: 8 } })
.then((discounts) => {
But I was trying to get the following object:
name: '4+ Group Size',
amount: 4,
name: '8 Group Size',
amount: 8,
How do I query BETWEEN two values?
For a db like this:
name: "0 Group Size",
amountOfPeople: 0,
discount: 0
name: "4+ Group Size",
amountOfPeople: 4,
discount: 5
name: "8 Group Size",
amountOfPeople: 8,
discount: 10
You can use a query:
db.collection.find({ amountOfPeople: {$lte: numberOfPeopleInGroup}})
.sort({amountOfPeople: -1}).limit(1)
To get the relevant discount per amount of people in the group
See how the logic works on the playground example using aggregation pipeline only because of the playground limitations.