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Jadx Assert.notNull view full parameters

I noticed that in many methods of many android applications, Jadx decompile some code (probably something containing callbacks) in the following way

final i iVar = new i();
Observable g2 = doOnSubscribe.switchMap(new Function() { // from class: ...
    @Override // io.reactivex.functions.Function
    public final Object apply(Object obj) {
        ObservableSource B;
        B = g0.B(Function1.this, obj);
        return B;
Assert.notNull(g2, "stateSubject\n       …ay(1)\n        .refCount()");

It seems to me that the second paramenter to Assert.notNull is the original code of the decompiled code above it. Is there any way to read the complete string?


  • Looking at other decompilers I noticed that the strings are exactly the same, suspension dots included. I'm still not sure, but now I'm pretty certain that it's Kotlin compiler that does this. Probably the uncut strings are not in the artifact.