List<String> myStrings = Arrays.asList("broom", "monsoon");
Map<String, Long> stringToNumberOfVowels = Map.of("broom", 2, "monsoon", 3);
This is what i've tried:
Map<String, Long> vowelsMap = Stream.of("broom").flatMapToInt(String::chars).filter("aeiou".indexOf(c) >= 0).mapToObj(c -> "aeiou".indexOf(c)>=0 ? "broom" : "").collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.indenty(), Collectors.counting()));
for(Map.Entry<String, Long> a : vowelsMap.entrySet()) { System.out.println(a.getKey() + "==>"); System.out.println(a.getValue()); }
My Output (which only works with 1 string being passed in the stream):
broom ==> 2
Desired Output:
broom ==> 2
monsoon ==> 3
Your logic is a little bit complicted, a simple way is to use stream collect with Collectors::toMap
like this:
Map<String, Long> vowelsMap =
str -> str.chars().filter(c -> "aeiou".indexOf(c) >= 0).count()));