The purpose is that the user types the new value into the cell during a counting task instead of recalculating again and again.
Dim OldValues As New Collection 'Variable to store OldValues
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Selection.Areas.Count > 1 Or Target.Count > 1 Or TypeName(Target) <> "Range" Then Exit Sub 'exclude buttons, shapes areas multiple selections
Set OldValues = Nothing
Dim CelL As Range
For Each CelL In Target
OldValues.Add CelL.Value, CelL.Address 'put value to collection
Next CelL
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Selection.Areas.Count > 1 Or Target.Count > 1 Or TypeName(Target) <> "Range" Then Exit Sub 'same like above
On Local Error Resume Next
Dim CelL As Range, ValInput As Long, ValOffsetLong As Long, ValOld As Long, ValNew As Long, ValOffsetString As String, r As Long, c As Long
Dim keyCells As Range: Set keyCells = Range("C12:C19,C22:C29")
On Error Resume Next
Set keyCells = Application.Union(keyCells.Precedents, keyCells)
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Not Application.Intersect(Target, keyCells) Is Nothing Then
r = Target.Row ' using this to find the target address
c = Target.Column ' using this to find the target address
ValInput = Target.Value ' store the input
ValOffsetLong = Target.Offset(163, 11) ' find the offset value
ValOffsetString = Target.Offset(163, 11).Address(0, 0) ' find the offset address
ValOld = OldValues(CelL.Adress) ' taking the value from SelectionChange
ValNew = ValInput + ValOld - ValOffsetLong ' calculate
For Each CelL In Target
Debug.Print "/SelctedCell(Target): " & CelL.Address & " /Input(CelL.Value): " & CelL.Value & " /ValInput: " & Target.Value _
& " /ValOld: " & OldValues(CelL.Address) & " /ValOffsetLong: " & ValOffsetLong & " /ValNew " & ValNew & " /ValOffsetString: " & ValOffsetString
Cells(r, c).Formula = "=" & ValNew & "+" & ValOffsetString 'write the needed formula again in cell
Next CelL
End If
Set OldValues = Nothing
For Each CelL In Target
OldValues.Add CelL.Value, CelL.Address
Next CelL
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
The script should
With Debug.Print
I can see all variables are correct. Nevertheless always a wrong result comes out.
The calculation of the variable "ValNew" doesn't seem to work.
It seems the old Value (from the collection "OldValues") is empty when I press Enter.
Before (empty cell or cell with a number or cell with formula)
Then enter a number which is added to the current cell value but without the value of cell N190 (enter 10) the script should store the cell value in collection OldValues
store the input ValInput = Target.Value
then take the input value, add the old value subtract the offset value and write a formula with this result (+ offset adress) ValNew = ValInput + ValOld - ValOffsetLong
It seems that only the Input Value will be processed since the old value was 1 the new is 10 +N190 = 12 but the result shows 9 +N190 means to me ValNew = ValInput - ValOffsetLong
had been processed and ValNew = ValInput + ValOld - ValOffsetLong
not. ValOld is not empty but ignored.
It still is very challenging to understand your requirement (not your issues regarding your own code ...)
Try this code - it has to go into the sheets module:
Option Explicit
Private m_colOldValues As Collection
Private Property Get rgKeyCells() As Range
Set rgKeyCells = Me.Range("B5:B11") '---> adjust this to your needs
End Property
Private Property Get rgOffset(c As Range) As Range
Set rgOffset = c.Offset(, 2) '---> adjust this to your needs: c.Offset(163, 11)
End Property
Private Sub readOldValues()
Dim c As Range
Set m_colOldValues = New Collection
For Each c In rgKeyCells.Cells
m_colOldValues.Add c.Value - rgOffset(c).Value, c.Address
End Sub
Private Sub updateCell(c As Range)
c.Value = "=" & c.Value & " + " & m_colOldValues(c.Address) & " + " & rgOffset(c).Address
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim c As Range
Application.EnableEvents = False
For Each c In Target.Cells
If Not Intersect(c, rgKeyCells) Is Nothing Then
updateCell c
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If m_colOldValues Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub