I am working through some of the JuMP example and in particular the multi commodity flow model. I am able to generate a constraint using the below:
for r in eachrow(supply)
@constraint(model,sum(x[r.origin,:, r.product]) <= r.supply)
This works fine, however this does not:
@constraint(model,sum(x[r.origin,:, r.product]) <= r.supply for r in eachrow(supply))
The error thrown is below:
Unsupported constraint expression: we don't know how to parse constraints containing expressions of type :generator.
This seems odd because if I use a generator in an objective definition it works just fine:
@objective(model, Max, sum(r.cost*x[r.origin, r.destination, r.product] for r in eachrow(cost)))
So is the takeaway here that objectives take generators, but constraints do not, or is this something else?
So is the takeaway here that objectives take generators, but constraints do not, or is this something else?
JuMP not support the syntax @constraint(model, lhs <= rhs for arg in iterator)
Do instead:
[r in eachrow(supply)],
sum(x[r.origin, :, r.product]) <= r.supply
Your objective function is something different because it is a summation. JuMP does support the sum(term for arg in iterator)