I have the epoch time of an event, as eventTime
in seconds and the zone (location of the event) as userZone
I need to check if an event is eligible. An event is only eligible if it happens before the end of the day considering the zone of the user.
Since epoch time is in UTC it needs to be converted to the zone time and then in that zone find the beginning and end of the day. There is a library in Java ZonedDateTime
What I need to implement is:
- Get eventTime in epoch (UTC) => getEventTime(event)
- Get the userZone (for example CDT or EST) => getUserZone(user)
- Convert eventTime to the local time of the user => getEventInLocalTime(eventTime, userZone)
- Get end of the day time for userZone => getEndOfToday(userZone)
- if (0 <= eventLocalTime <= endOfToday) return True
Has anyone used ZonedDateTime
to help with this logic? I implemented some logic but not sure about it as the object returned for ZonedDateTime
for the end of the day is not clear to me. Basically, what I am trying to reach is if two users in two different time zones trigger an event at the same epoch time the user with an earlier time zone will be eligible for less amount of time, obviously.
You can get the start of the next day so that any time before that will be counted as the end of today.
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// A sample epoch
long epoch = 1693773531L;
// Note: Change the timezone as per your requirement
ZoneId userZone = ZoneId.of("America/New_York");
ZonedDateTime zdtGiven = Instant.ofEpochSecond(epoch).atZone(userZone);
// Today
LocalDate today = LocalDate.now(userZone);
// Get start of today
ZonedDateTime startOfToday = today.atStartOfDay(userZone);
// Get start of the next day
ZonedDateTime startOfNextDay = today.plusDays(1).atStartOfDay(userZone);
if (zdtGiven.isAfter(startOfToday) && zdtGiven.isBefore(startOfNextDay))
// Do this e.g.
Learn about the modern date-time API from Trail: Date Time
The expression, zdtGiven.isAfter(startOfToday) && zdtGiven.isBefore(startOfNextDay)
can be reduced to zdtGiven.toLocalDate().isEqual(today)
. This update also covers some more scenarios.
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// A sample epoch
long epoch = 1693832142L;
// Note: change the timezone as per your requirement
ZoneId userZone = ZoneId.of("America/New_York");
// ZonedDateTime at the given epoch
ZonedDateTime zdtGiven = Instant.ofEpochSecond(epoch).atZone(userZone);
// LocalDate at the given epoch
LocalDate localDateGiven = zdtGiven.toLocalDate();
// Today
LocalDate today = LocalDate.now(userZone);
// Get start of today
ZonedDateTime startOfToday = today.atStartOfDay(userZone);
// Get start of the next day
ZonedDateTime startOfNextDay = today.plusDays(1).atStartOfDay(userZone);
// Current ZonedDateTime
ZonedDateTime zdtNow = ZonedDateTime.now(userZone);
// Anything happening before a given time e.g. 10 am today
if (zdtGiven.isAfter(startOfToday) && zdtGiven.isBefore(zdtNow.with(LocalTime.of(10, 0))))
// Do this e.g.
System.out.println("Before 10 am today");
// Alternatively
if (localDateGiven.isEqual(today) && zdtGiven.isBefore(zdtNow.with(LocalTime.of(10, 0))))
// Do this e.g.
System.out.println("Before 10 am today");
// Anything happening after a given time e.g. 10 am today
if (zdtGiven.isAfter(zdtNow.with(LocalTime.of(10, 0))) && zdtGiven.isBefore(startOfNextDay))
// Do this e.g.
System.out.println("After 10 am today");
// Alternatively
if (zdtGiven.isAfter(zdtNow.with(LocalTime.of(10, 0))) && localDateGiven.isEqual(today))
// Do this e.g.
System.out.println("After 10 am today");
// Anything happening today
if (localDateGiven.isEqual(today))
// Do this e.g.
Before 10 am today
Before 10 am today