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Disable Gradle "Executing" Messages

I am building a simple Kotlin application that gets user input then prints it to the screen:

while (true) {
    val PROMPT = ">>> "

    val userInput = readLn()


But whenever I run this application using ./gradlew run, I get these messages:

<========---> 80% EXECUTING [2m 30s]
>>> ===---> 80% EXECUTING [2m 31s]
<==========---> 80% EXECUTING [2m 34s]

Here's what I tried to remove them:

In my build.gradle.kts file:

tasks.named<JavaExec>("run") {
    standardInput = System.`in`
    standardOutput = System.out

I have also tried changing the LogLevel to LogLevel.ERROR for both captureStandardOutput and captureStandardError, yet I still get these "Executing" messages


  • Try to run Gradle in cmd with the following tags:

    For example:

    ./gradlew -q --console=plain run

    But when I tested these flags, I ran into a problem: Gradle doesn't print text message to console without newline character before user prompt, i.e. the print("smt") method has no effect, but the println("smt") method works fine. I don't know why this is happening.