I retrieved the backgroundTransparency
of a LWUIT Button , and it returns a byte
datatype data. I want this byte
variable to be converted to an int
variable. How to do that ?
Fernando's answer is 100% correct but is still slightly misleading e.g.:
byte b = (byte)0xff;
int intVar = b;
boolean thisIsFalse = intVar == 0xff;
That might surprise most people at first glance but the logic is actually simple. 0xff is a negative number for a byte but a positive number for an int (this is also true in Java SE). The solution is to change the code from above to something that will convert to int "properly":
int intVal = b & 0xff;
boolean thisIsTrue = intVar == 0xff;
This will solve the issue there but you should still be aware that:
boolean thisIsFalse = intVar == b;
boolean thisIsTrue = intVar == (b & 0xff);