Can we cast an object with user-defined types, like we do for normal data types? Like say we do type cast for int like:
int variable_one = (int)variable_name;
So can we do like: (complex) object_name;
where complex is the class I have written for complex number addition using operator+
Is it possible in this normal way? Or do we need to write some function before calling this statment? Or is it not possible at all to type-cast like this?
int variable_one=(int)variable_name;
is a C style cast.
C++ offers many casting operators:
dynamic_cast <new_type> (expression)
reinterpret_cast <new_type> (expression)
static_cast <new_type> (expression)
const_cast <new_type> (expression)
Have a look at article about type casting or refer to any C++ introductory book.