I'm trying to load a properties file without using the actual path of the file. I've already done that on some other simple apps using:
InputStream inputStream = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(PROPERTIES_FILE);
But this time it doesn't work. The inputStream is null for some reason. PROPERTIES_FILE is a constant defined as "app.properties". I tried to remove the .properties extension and got the same results.
Any ideas?
The PROPERTIES_FILE constant should include the package as well as the properties file (e.g. "com/some/library/file.properties".
final static String PROPS_FILE = "/com/some/library/file.props";
//The preceding "/" is dependendant on wheterh
//you are going to be giving a relative or absolute location
InputStream is = YourCurrentClass.class.getResourceAsStream(PROPS_FILE);