I am able to replace substring in bash with below command. However, same command doesn't work in Jenkins pipeline shell script inside the step. Basically, in Jenkins ${GIT_BRANCH} returns 'origin/docker'. I want to use branch name 'docker' in URL while uploading deployment artifact to JFrog artifactory. However, I do not want to include 'origin/' string in the path.
Working Bash Command:
user@localhost MINGW64 ~
$ echo $GIT_BRANCH
user@localhost MINGW64 ~
user@localhost MINGW64 ~
Jenkins File Script:
The error I am seeing in Jenkins pipeline execution logs:
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
WorkflowScript: 38: unexpected char: '\' @ line 38, column 53.
Adding working script block. Now the env variable 'GIT_BRANCH_NAME' returns just 'docker' instead of 'origin/docker'. Also, added few more statements to handle various types of branches like 'bugfix/feature/hotfix/release' etc.
script {
String gitBranchName = env.GIT_BRANCH.replaceFirst('^origin/', '')
env.GIT_BRANCH_NAME = gitBranchName.replaceFirst('^bugfix/', 'bugfix-')
env.GIT_BRANCH_NAME = gitBranchName.replaceFirst('^feature/', 'feature-')
env.GIT_BRANCH_NAME = gitBranchName.replaceFirst('^hotfix/', 'hotfix-')
env.GIT_BRANCH_NAME = gitBranchName.replaceFirst('^release/', 'release-')
sh '''
curl -u JFROG_USR:JFROG_PSW -T app_${GIT_BRANCH_NAME}_${GIT_COMMIT}.zip "some-jfrog-artifctory-url/${BUILD_NUMBER}/app_${GIT_BRANCH_NAME}_${GIT_COMMIT}.zip;git.branch.name=${GIT_BRANCH};git.commit.id=${GIT_COMMIT};jenkins.build.url=${BUILD_URL}"
rm -rf app_${GIT_BRANCH_NAME}_${GIT_COMMIT}.zip
In Jenkins file in script
block, You've groovy language, so you are able to use groovy semantic.
So if you are in the script
block context, you can remove prefix and set up new environment variable:
String gitBranchName = env.GIT_BRANCH.replaceFirst('^origin/', '')
withEnv(["GIT_BRANCH_NAME=${gitBranchName}"]) {