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Is it possible to automatically add a power query to the data model using VBA on excel?

I have a worksheet that is set up to eventually have many power queries. I want to be able to use the pivot table and performance features of Excels Data Model. I have automated getting queries from a SharePoint folder using VBA, but I would like them to be added to the data model too.

I have tried the following VBA.

Sub CreateQueryAndAddToDataModel()
    Dim queryName As String
    Dim connectionName As String
    Dim connectionStr As String
    ' Set the query and connection names
    queryName = "MyPowerQuery"
    connectionName = "MyConnection"
    ' Set the connection string with the query name
    connectionStr = "OLEDB;Provider=Microsoft.Mashup.OleDb.1;Data Source=$Workbook$;Location=" & queryName & ";"
    Dim M_Script As String
    M_Script = "Let Source = Csv.Document(Web.Contents(SHAREPOINTPATH)) in Source"
    ' Create the query and connection
    ActiveWorkbook.Queries.Add Name:=queryName, Formula:=M_Script
    ' Add the connection to the workbook
    ThisWorkbook.Connections.Add Name:=connectionName, Description:="", _
        ConnectionString:=connectionStr, CommandText:="", lCmdtype:=xlCmdSql
    ' Refresh the connection to load data into the data model
End Sub

This creates the query, but does not add the connection to the Data model.


  • I just found this is answered in this stack overflow thread.

    Function LoadToDataModel(w As Workbook, query As WorkbookQuery, error As Integer) As Boolean
    On Error GoTo Load_Error
        ' This code loads the query to the Data Model
        w.Connections.Add2 "Query - " & query.Name, _
            "Connection to the '" & query.Name & "' query in the workbook.", _
            "OLEDB;Provider=Microsoft.Mashup.OleDb.1;Data Source=$Workbook$;Location=" & query.Name _
            , """" & query.Name & """", 6, True, False
        LoadToDataModel = True
        Exit Function
        LoadToDataModel = False
        error = Err.Number
        Resume Load_Exit
    End Function