The original value that I'm trying to set with Ansible set_fact
is a string:
features/move: "true"
Here is a block of code to set the above value:
my_var: "{{ (all_vars | from_yaml).metadata.annotations['features/move'] | default(omit) }}"
The value is being set as a boolean True
as Ansible converts string to boolean by default (source:
I'd like to print the value preserving its original data type which is a string:
{% if my_var is defined %}
my_var: "{{ my_var | lower }}"
{% endif %}
Which will give me expected output as a string:
my_var: "true"
However, what if the original value is a boolean, like:
features/move: true
With the above logic it will be set as True
, and then printed out as "true"
which is not correct.
I have tried expanding my if condition to make it work for both cases above (string and boolean), like:
{% if my_var is defined and my_var is string %}
my_var: "{{ my_var | lower }}"
{% elif my_var is defined %}
my_var: {{ my_var | lower }}
{% endif %}
However, it always goes into elif
as the variable data type has been already converted to boolean during the set_fact
Is there a way to preserve an original data type in Ansible during the set_fact
step before Ansible converts it to boolean? Any advice is very appreciated.
... as the variable data type has been already converted to boolean during the
That's correct and the expected behavior.
Is there a way to preserve an original data type in Ansible during the
Not in general or for all data types. According the documentation about set_fact
module – Set host variable(s) and fact(s) it will become a string
before Ansible converts it to boolean?
Some boolean values (
) will always be converted to boolean type
is enabled. This is done so thevar=value
booleans, otherwise it would only be able to create strings, but it also prevents using those values to create YAML strings. Using the setting will restrict k=v to strings, but will allow you to specify string or boolean in YAML.