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Is it possible to have several SOMEIP Headers in one Packet?

I came across this particular packet see image from a pcap while researching SOMEIP. My question is whether you can have several SOMEIP headers embedded within one Packet?

The SOMEIP Protocol Specification gives no indication either way from that I can see.

Looked at the specification, wasn't clear


  • I think no, If you are developing Automotive application, But why you need more header on 1 packet? What is purpose of that, It gonna be huge waste of resource if one of them not used..

    Updated :

    [PRS_SOMEIP_00140] The header format allows transporting more than one
    SOME/IP message in a single UDP packet. The SOME/IP implementation shall identify
    the end of a SOME/IP message by means of the SOME/IP length field. Based on the
    UDP length field, SOME/IP shall determine if there are additional SOME/IP messages
    in the UDP packet. (RS_SOMEIP_00010)