Please help me. I am trying 10hours in a row and doesn't work. I want when i clicked in @click="cleanDataForm" in Parent Component => v-model text in Child component will "" . And i tryed do it with props , computed and nothing. I will be very kind if you help
<div class="Main">
<div class="comment">
<div class="btns">
<button id="btn--send" type="submit" @click="sendData">Send data</button>
<button id="btn--clear" @click="cleanDataForm">clean data</button>
// Child
<div class="container">
v-model="text" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
placeholder="Введите комментарий"
<button @click="showSimiles">😀</button>
And i need this.text will "" when i clicked send data in Parent. I tryed with vuex but nothing. Please help
One way of doing that with props and emit:
Vue.component('child', {
template: `
placeholder="Введите комментарий"
props: ['clear'],
data() {
return {
text: ''
watch: {
clear(newVal) {
this.text = ''
new Vue({
el: '#demo',
data() {
return {
clear: false
methods: {
cleanDataForm() {
this.clear = true
resetClear() {
this.clear = false
<script src=""></script>
<div id="demo">
<button id="btn--clear" @click="cleanDataForm">clean data</button>
<child :clear="clear" @cleared="resetClear"></child>