I have a load of console.logs in my code, but I only need to see them/ turn them on if I need to see them on a site, so I want a way to be able to enable/ disbale them from in browser console by setting up a couple of snippets, such as: adysis.debug('enable') , adysis.debug('disable') but how can i get these to them trigger the console.logs in the code, I got no clue at all at the moment on how to do it?
To disable ALL the console's methods use Proxy
Use console.enabled = true/false
in the browser console to disable/enable console.
The disabled state is persisted in the local storage. So it's the same after a page reload.
(Remove try/catch
since it's not allowed here).
const key = 'console-enabled';
let enabled;
enabled = localStorage.getItem(key);
window.console = new Proxy(window.console, {
get(console, prop){
if(prop === 'enabled'){
return disabled;
if(!enabled && typeof console[prop] === 'function' && console.hasOwnProperty(prop)){
return function(){}
return Reflect.get(...arguments);
set(console, prop, val){
if(prop === 'enabled'){
enabled = val;
enabled ? localStorage.setItem(key, val) : localStorage.removeItem(key);
return true;
return Reflect.set(...arguments);
$pre.textContent = 'console.log is enumerable: ' + console.propertyIsEnumerable('log');
console.enabled = true;
<pre id="$pre"></pre>