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Is it ok to say higer order functions (map, filter ...) achieve polymorphism?

map(array, f)

I thought higher order functions are polymorphic. Since that operates in many ways. But when I have searched about polymorphism, there was no such thing like 'anonymous functions or higher order functions are polymorphic'.

Although the variable f does various operations and the f is an interface which takes each value in an array as a parameter, It's not polymorphic?

Is it only about types?

I thought like something operates in various ways is polymorphic. like function overloading in C++

Is it wrong to say like that in CS ?

In my view, subtype polymorphism is quite similar with higher order functions.


  • There's this lovely parable of Anton van Straaten's that likens objects to closures.


    Consider a function. Let's make it concrete and say that it receives a string and returns an integer. (It might, for example, count the number of letters in the string.) In Haskell, such a function might have the type String -> Int.

    If you have a higher-order function like the typical functor map (as I assume the OP function represents), you can use any String -> Int function to map a collection of strings to a collection of integers:

    ghci> map length ["foo", "bar", "b", "az"]

    You could also write another function with the same type. Let's say, for example, that you wanted to count all the occurrences of a particular character in a string.

    ghci> countOccurencesOf ch = length . filter ((==) ch)
    ghci> countOccurencesOf 'a' "bar"
    ghci> countOccurencesOf 'a' "bara"
    ghci> countOccurencesOf 'b' "bara"

    This function takes two inputs: a character and a string, but if you partially apply it, you create a new function that takes only a string. This is very similar to a closure.

    Such a closure can also be used with the same map function:

    ghci> map (countOccurencesOf 'r') ["foo", "bar", "brr"]

    Thus, it seems reasonable to consider the function input into map as being polymorphic.


    Since objects are isomorphic to closures, we can demonstrate the same idea using objects.

    Imagine that we have a mapper over collections. I'll now use C#.

    Keeping it concrete, imagine that we define a function that only maps collections of string to collections of integers:

    public static IEnumerable<int> Map(IEnumerable<string> source, StringToIntMapping mapping)
        var result = new List<int>();
        foreach (var s in source)
        return result;

    where StringToIntMapping is an abstract base class:

    public abstract class StringToIntMapping
        public abstract int Map(string s);

    You can now repeat the same examples as above by passing polymorphic objects to the Map function. Here, the examples are given as unit tests:

    public void CountLetters()
        var collection = new[] { "foo", "bar", "b", "az" };
        var actual = Map(collection, new CountLettersMapping());
        Assert.Equal(new[] { 3, 3, 1, 2 }, actual);
    public void CountOccurences()
        var collection = new[] { "foo", "bar", "brr" };
        var actual = Map(collection, new CountOccurencesMapping('r'));
        Assert.Equal(new[] { 0, 1, 2 }, actual);

    The two polymorphic objects used here are two derived classes:

    public sealed class CountLettersMapping : StringToIntMapping
        public override int Map(string s)
            return s.Length;
    public sealed class CountOccurencesMapping : StringToIntMapping
        private readonly char c;
        public CountOccurencesMapping(char c)
            this.c = c;
        public override int Map(string s)
            return s.Count(x => x == c);

    You could now introduce generics to support mapping of any two types:

    public static IEnumerable<TResult> Map<T, TResult>(
        IEnumerable<T> source,
        Mapping<T, TResult> mapping)
        var result = new List<TResult>();
        foreach (var s in source)
        return result;
    public abstract class Mapping<T, TResult>
        public abstract TResult Map(T t);

    In statically typed functional programming languages like Haskell, generics are often called parametric polymorphism. That's a different kind of polymorphism.