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How can I fix my typescript type to work correctly?

How can I fix this Typescript type error that I'm getting?

Property 'original_title' does not exist on type 'Media'. and Property 'original_name' does not exist on type 'Media'.

I am getting data from an API and writing my own types for it. The API provides 2 different structures for Movies and TV Shows. TV Shows has name original_name origin country first_air_date and Movies has original_title release_date title video but both have a few other of the same properties so I wrote this type but am getting an error when using it.

I have a typescript type which looks like this:

export type Media = {
    adult: boolean;
    backdrop_path?: string;
    genre_ids: number[];
    id: number;
    original_language: string;
    overview: string;
    popularity: number;
    poster_path?: string;
    vote_average: number;
    vote_count: number;
} & (
    | {
            original_title: string;
            release_date: string;
            title: string;
            video: boolean;
    | {
            first_air_date: string;
            name: string;
            origin_country: string[];
            original_name: string;

However when trying to use it like this:

    { Media) => (
        <Text key={}>{result.original_title}</Text>
    { Media) => (
        <Text key={}>{result.original_name}</Text>


  • For the porperties specific to Movie shows and TV shows, you have to do something like this

        { Media) => (
            <Text key={}>{('original_title' in result) && result.original_title}</Text>