I am using the Elasticsearch _bulk
api to insert some data into the index.
However, what I observed is that, if an index does not exist, this API will first create an index with dynamic mappings and then index the document.
Is there a way to find out in the response when this happens? I know there is a field in the response called result
which tells if a particular document was updated or created, but is there a way to find out something similar for the index itself.
I am basically trying to avoid the API from creating the index. If the index does not exist, I want to be able to be informed somehow, so that I can re-create an index with some specific mappings instead of the dynamic mappings.
I am new to Elastic so I do not know if there is any other API that can help me do this while also being performant. The service I use indexes documents in batches of 5000.
You should simply disable index auto creation by modifying the following cluster settings:
PUT _cluster/settings
"persistent": {
"action.auto_create_index": "false"
After setting that, the bulk call will include a status: 400
for the bulk item that tries to create a new index, you can review which one it is and create the index accordingly with the right mapping.