I am creating a 2D TileMap.I am using integers to determine tile type. I wanted to turn every grass tile(4) that neighbours at least one ocean tile(3) in to sand(1).
public void geography() {
for(int x=0; x<width; x++) { //Iterates through array
for(int y=0; y<height; y++) {
int counter = sametile(x,y,1,3); // uses a method to count neighbouring tiles
if(counter>0 && map[x][y]==4) { //if it at least has 1
map[x][y]=1; //turns that tile into sand
public int sametile(int locx,int locy,int diameter,int tile) { //location x,y,search diameter and tile type
int counter=0;
for(int x=locx-diameter; x<locx+diameter; x++) { //where we start and end
for(int y=locy-diameter; y<locy+diameter; y++) {
if (x < diameter || y < diameter || x+diameter>width || y+diameter>height) {
//to avoid reaching index numbers that array doesnt have
if(map[x][y]==tile) { //if it is the tile we are looking for
counter++; //we increase the counter
return counter;
Weird thing is it works as intented some part of the map,but works partly wrong or totally wrong on some parts of the map.
I literally checked every line of code but didnt really catch anything
So assuming diameter 1, one of the things I want to do is check is to my left and to my right.
for(int x=locx-diameter; x<locx+diameter; x++)
Looking at this is starts to my left and then never checks to my right because it doesn't use <=
. Similar logic for y
and above/below.
for(int y=locy-diameter; y<locy+diameter; y++) {
OK, now if locx is 1 and I need to look to my left, then I need to took at tile 0, however this prevents that:
if (x < diameter
And similarly for other bounds, so I assume you want:
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= width || y >= height) {
Additionally, we don't do anything to prevent us counting the tile we're looking around.
All together:
public int sametile(int locx,int locy,int diameter,int tile) { //location x,y,search diameter and tile type
int counter=0;
for(int x=locx-diameter; x <= locx+diameter; x++) { //where we start and end
for(int y=locy-diameter; y <= locy+diameter; y++) {
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= width || y >= height) {
//to avoid reaching index numbers that array doesnt have
if (x == locx && y == locy) {
continue; // don't count the central tile, only neighbours
if(map[x][y]==tile) { //if it is the tile we are looking for
counter++; //we increase the counter
return counter;