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Use jq to count elements based on group by

I have a list of movies like this:

      "title":"Zero Dark Thirty",

I want to query all unique genres and count the number of movies, where the output looks like this:


Is this possible with jq?

Edit: I also need to be able to handle movies without genres. These can be ignored. For example:

      "title":"Some movie",
            "tag": null
      "title":"Some other movies",


  • Yes, it is.

    1. Extract all genres into array
    2. Group genres
    3. Map to a key-value pair (key = any element of the group, we'll take the first; value = count of elements in the group)
    4. Build object from key-value pairs
    | group_by(.)
    | map({ key:first, value:length })
    | from_entries


      "Drama": 1,
      "History": 1,
      "Horror": 1,
      "Mystery": 1,
      "Thriller": 2,
      "War": 1

    Alternatively, use a reduce based approach and simply increase a counter:

    reduce .[].genres[].tag as $genre ({}; .[$genre] += 1)

    This is likely more efficient than building an array and grouping.

    To select only non-null tags, filter through values:

    map(.genres[].tag | values)
    | group_by(.)
    | map({ key:first, value:length })
    | from_entries


    reduce (.[].genres[].tag|values) as $genre ({}; .[$genre] += 1)

    values is internally defined as select(. != null).