I begin with Json Path and I'm stuck.
I would like have a list of the "names" of all persons who have "Registered" enter in "group_names".
I try this path :
but my result is null.
Here my full api response :
"links": {
"self": "/api/index.php/v1/users"
"data": [
"type": "users",
"id": "977",
"attributes": {
"id": 977,
"name": "Bryan",
"username": "Bryan",
"block": 0,
"sendEmail": 0,
"registerDate": "2023-08-21 12:16:14",
"lastvisitDate": "2023-08-21 12:22:15",
"lastResetTime": null,
"resetCount": 0,
"group_count": 1,
"group_names": "Registered"
"type": "users",
"id": "971",
"attributes": {
"id": 971,
"name": "easy",
"username": "easy",
"block": 0,
"sendEmail": 0,
"registerDate": "2023-08-16 11:32:03",
"lastvisitDate": "2023-08-21 10:48:12",
"lastResetTime": null,
"resetCount": 0,
"group_count": 2,
"group_names": "Registered\nSuper Users"
"type": "users",
"id": "968",
"attributes": {
"id": 968,
"name": "Machin",
"username": "Machin",
"block": 0,
"sendEmail": 0,
"registerDate": "2023-06-17 18:08:31",
"lastvisitDate": "2023-08-25 07:46:04",
"lastResetTime": null,
"resetCount": 0,
"group_count": 1,
"group_names": "Registered"
I supposed is a newbee question but if someone can help me :-)
Thanks a lot !
I can out a lit of names but not with a sorting :-/
To get the "names" of all persons who have "Registered" enter in "group_names":
$.data[?(@.attributes.group_names == "Registered")].attributes.name
This expression will filter the "data" array based on the condition that the "group_names" field is equal to "Registered" and then extract the corresponding "name" field.
Applying this JSON Path expression to API response, the list of names would be: