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Spread syntax in Jsonata?

I would like to just add a key/value pair to a object and therefore not enlist all of the objects attributes again. Something similar to javascripts ... Spread syntax.

    'address': $.customer.addresses[id=$$.shippingAddressId].{
        'fullName': firstName & ' ' & lastName

I looked through the documentation and searched the web, but could not find anything regarding this feature.

What were I expecting?

Actually, I would have been surprised if it had been implemented, but since Jsonata is so awesome, it could have been.


You can write the transformation like this (improves readablility):

    'address': $.customer.addresses[id=$$.shippingAddressId].{
        'street': street,
        'city': city,
        'fullName': firstName & ' ' & lastName

The question stems from pure curiosity

If someone knows a better way, I would be interested, otherwise I will continue to marvel at its beauty.


  • If I'm understanding the question correctly, given the following data (I had to make some assumptions because no data was provided):


      "customer": {
        "firstName": "Alex",
        "lastName": "Jäger",
        "addresses": [
          {"id": "home", "street": "123 Main Street", "city": "MyTown"},
          {"id": "work", "street": "987 South Street", "city": "AnyTown", "spreadMeInAlso": "something"},
          {"id": "school", "street": "654 North Street", "city": "YourTown"}
      "shippingAddressId": "work"


    This query, using the Transform Operator, will allow you to create the fullName and essentially "spread in" the remaining values:

        'address': $.customer.addresses[id=$$.shippingAddressId] ~> | $ | {
            "fullName": $$.customer.firstName & ' ' & $$.customer.lastName
        } |


      "address": {
        "id": "work",
        "street": "987 South Street",
        "city": "AnyTown",
        "spreadMeInAlso": "something",
        "fullName": "Alex Jäger"

    Working example: