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How to retrieve database id when clicking recycler view in android studio?

I've been working on an android app, and I need to get the database id when I click on specific row in the recycler view. When I wrote this app previously I updated and deleted the records based on their names, however when I came back to this project I learned pretty quick that deleted or/and changed all the records with that name. Then I wrote a simple rawQuery to get the id from a name list, using cursor. Learned that, that would pull all the ids with that name but I didnt know which one to choose, (since that query would pull options for the ids I had to choose).

 public Cursor getDbId(String studentName) {

        SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();

        Cursor getDb = (db.rawQuery("SELECT " + ID_COL + " FROM " + TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + NAME_COL + " = ?", new String[]{studentName}));
        return getDb;
 updateCourseBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {

                if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) {
                    String str = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("id"));

                    dbHandler.updateCourse(str, studentNameUpd.getText().toString(), studentSubjectUpd.getText().toString(), studentHoursUpd.getText().toString(), studentCoreUpd.getText().toString());

                    // displaying a toast message that our course has been updated.
                    Toast.makeText(UpdateCourseActivity.this, "Course Updated..", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

                    // launching our main activity.
                    Intent i = new Intent(UpdateCourseActivity.this, MainActivity.class);
                /* inside this method we are calling an update course
                   method and passing all our edit text values. */

    public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull ViewHolder holder, int position) {

//        Cursor cursor = dbHandler.getDbId(studentName);
        /* on below line we are setting data
           to our views of recycler view item. */
        CourseModal modal = courseModalArrayList.get(position);


        // below line is to add on click listener for our recycler view item.
        holder.itemView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {


                // on below line we are calling an intent.
                Intent i = new Intent(context, UpdateCourseActivity.class);

                // below we are passing all our values.
                i.putExtra("name", modal.getStudentName());
                i.putExtra("core", modal.getStudentCore());
                i.putExtra("subject", modal.getStudentSubject());
                i.putExtra("hours", modal.getStudentHours());

                // starting our activity.
public class CourseModal {

/* variables for our studentName,
   description, tracks and duration, id. */
private String studentName;
private String studentSubject;
private String studentHours;
private String studentCore;

public String getStudentName() {
    return studentName;

public void setStudentName(String studentName) {
    this.studentName = studentName;

public String getStudentSubject() {
    return studentSubject;

public void setStudentSubject(String studentSubject) {
    this.studentSubject = studentSubject;

public String getStudentHours() {
    return studentHours;

public void setStudentHours(String studentHours) {
    this.studentHours = studentHours;

public String getStudentCore() {
    return studentCore;

public void setStudentCore(String studentCore) {
    this.studentCore = studentCore;

private int id;
int o = 0;
int i = 0;

// creating getter and setter methods

public int getId() {
    return id;

public void setId(int id) { = id;

// constructor
public CourseModal(String studentName, String studentSubject, String studentHours, String studentCore) {
    this.studentName = studentName;
    this.studentSubject = studentSubject;
    this.studentHours = studentHours;
    this.studentCore = studentCore;


I also did try to use the onBindViewHolder position since that would get me a position of what item i clicked. I thought that would pull from the database. However since onBindViewHolder is for me pulling an array id list, that didn't work.


  • I used the array id from onBindViewHolder, used CourseModal, and set the id. Then I got that id and switched cursor to use array indexing to change each record as themselves.