Search code examples

Displaying Hierarchical Search Results with State, City, and Community Name

I am working on a search functionality where users can search for specific towns. However, the expected output should display the state, city, and town in a hierarchical manner.

Current Behavior: When I typed "town" in the search input field, the result displayed is only "Westmont Town Court". enter image description here

Expected Behavior: The search result should display in the following hierarchical format:

California ↳ Escondido ↳ Westmont Town Court

The display should resemble the format used in our model site's search feature: first the state, followed by an arrow, then the city, another arrow, and finally the community name. enter image description here

<div class="dropdown">
    <div id="myDropdown" class="dropdown-content">
        <input type="text" placeholder="Find a Community Near You" id="myInput" onkeyup="filterFunction()">
        <div id="down" class="down">
            <ul class="state">
                <!-- California -->
                <li data-state="California">
                    <a href="">California</a>
                    <ul class="city">
                        <!-- San Diego -->
                        <li data-city="San Diego">
                            <a href=" communities/california/san-diego">San Diego</a>
                            <ul class="community">
                                <li><a href="">Westmont of Carmel Valley</a></li>

    function filterFunction() {
        let input = document.getElementById("myInput");
        let filter = input.value.toUpperCase();
        let div = document.getElementById("down");

        // Initially, hide everything
        let allItems = div.querySelectorAll("li");
        allItems.forEach(item => = "none");

        // Search communities
        let communities = div.querySelectorAll(".community > li");
        for (let community of communities) {
            if (community.textContent.toUpperCase().includes(filter)) {
                // If it matches, display the community
       = "";

                // Find and display the parent city
                let cityElement = community.closest('[data-city]');
                if (cityElement) {
           = "";

                // Find and display the parent state
                let stateElement = community.closest('[data-state]');
                if (stateElement) {
           = "";

Thank you so much.


  • Hiding the entire parent div #down means that the child elements won't show, even if they are individually set to display. I've added more consistent data-city and data-state attributes, and used a hidden class to show and hide the cities and states.

    function hideAll() {
    document.querySelectorAll(".city li[data-city],.state li[data-state]").forEach(cs => cs.classList.add("hidden"));
    function filterFunction() {
            let input = document.getElementById("myInput");
            let filter = input.value.toUpperCase();
            let div = document.getElementById("down");
            // Initially, hide everything
            //let allItems = div.querySelectorAll("li");
            // Search communities
            let communities = div.querySelectorAll(".community > li");
            for (let community of communities) {
                if (community.textContent.toUpperCase().includes(filter)) {
                    // If it matches, display the community
                    // Find and display the parent city
                    let cityElement = community.closest('[data-city]');
                    if (cityElement) {
                    // Find and display the parent state
                    let stateElement = community.closest('[data-state]');
                    if (stateElement) {
            .city li {
        position: relative;
        padding-left: 1px;
    .city li a {
        display: inline-block; /* This might help with the negative margin application */
        margin-left: -13px; /* Increase the negative margin */
    .city li a::before {
        content: "";
        display: inline-block;
        background-image: url(;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: center;
        background-size: 60%;
        width: 20.4px;
        height: 20.4px;
        position: absolute;
        left: -35px;
        top: 40%;
        transform: translateY(-50%);
            /* explore our communities search bar css*/
        #myInput {
        background-image: url('');
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: right 10px center; 
        background-size: 20px;
        padding-right: 40px; /* Adjust the padding depending on the size of the icon */
        transition: background 0.4s;
        padding:12px 15px;
    /* Optionally: Change the icon or its position when the input field is focused */
    #myInput:focus {
        background-position: right 40px center;
    .dropdown-content {
      position: absolute;
      background-color: #f6f6f6;
      min-width: 350px;
      overflow: auto;
      border: 1px solid #ddd;
      z-index: 1;
      border-radius: 10px;
    #down {
        overflow-y: auto;
        max-height: 240px;
        margin-top: 10px;
    .dropdown-content a {
      color: black;
      padding: 5px 0px;
      text-decoration: none;
      display: block;
    #down ul{
        margin: 0em 0 0em 0.5em;
        list-style-type: none;
    /* #down {
        display: none;
    } */
    .hidden {display:none;}
    /* our communities css*/
    {display: none;
        padding-left: 20px !important;
        padding-right: 20px;
    #c-button {
        font-weight: 500;
        color: #FFFFFF;
        background-color: #2F6130;
        border-color: #2F6130;
        font-size: 16px;
        margin-left: 100px;
        margin-right: 100px;
        border-radius: 3px;
        padding: 10px;
    #c-button a{
    @media (max-width:768px){
    #c-button {  
        margin-left: 20px;
        margin-right: 20px;
    cursor: pointer;
    color: #000;
    .cta-community a {
        display: block;
    .elementor-cta__content, .elementor-cta__content-item .cta-community {
        position: relative;
        transition: .5s;
        color: #fff;
        display: block !important;
    h3.elementor-cta__title.elementor-cta__content-item.elementor-content-item {
        margin-bottom: 10px;
    ul.sub-menu a:hover {
        color: #2f6130 !important;
    ul.sub-menu a {
        color: #000 !important;
    <div class="dropdown">
            <div id="myDropdown" class="dropdown-content">
                <input type="text" placeholder="Find a Community Near You" id="myInput" onchange="filterFunction()">
                <div id="down" class="down">
                    <ul class="state">
                        <!-- California -->
                        <li data-state="California">
                            <a href="">California</a>
                            <ul class="city">
                                <!-- San Diego -->
                                <li data-city="San Diego">
                                    <a href="">San Diego</a>
                                    <ul class="community">
                                        <li><a href="">Westmont of Carmel Valley</a></li>
                                <!-- Culver City -->
                                <li data-city="Culver City">
                                    <a href="">Culver City</a>
                                    <ul class="community">
                                        <li><a href="">Westmont of Culver City</a></li>
                                <!-- Cypress -->
                                <li data-city="Cypress">
                                    <a href="">Cypress</a>
                                    <ul class="community">
                                        <li><a href="">Westmont of Cypress</a></li>
                                <!-- Encinitas -->
                                <li data-city="Encinitas">
                                    <a href="">Encinitas</a>
                                    <ul class="community">
                                        <li><a href="">Westmont of Encinitas</a></li>
                                <!-- La Mesa -->
                                <li data-city="La Mesa">
                                    <a href="">La Mesa</a>
                                    <ul class="community">
                                        <li><a href="">Westmont of La Mesa</a></li>
                                <!-- Riverside -->
                                <li data-city="Riverside">
                                    <a href="">Riverside</a>
                                    <ul class="community">
                                        <li><a href="">Westmont of Riverside</a></li>
                                        <li><a href="">Westmont Village Homes</a></li>
                                <!-- Chula Vista -->
                                <li data-city="Chula Vista">
                                    <a href="">Chula Vista</a>
                                    <ul class="community">
                                        <li><a href="">Westmont at San Miguel Ranch</a></li>
                                <!-- Escondido -->
                                <li data-city="Escondido">
                                    <a href="">Escondido</a>
                                    <ul class="community">
                                        <li data-community="Westmont Town Court"><a href="">Westmont Town Court</a></li>
                                <!-- Central California Cities... -->
                                <!-- Goleta -->
                                <li data-city="Goleta">
                                    <a href="">Goleta</a>
                                    <ul class="community">
                                        <li><a href="">Mariposa at Ellwood Shores</a></li>
                                <!-- Fresno -->
                                <li data-city="Fresno">
                                    <a href="">Fresno</a>
                                    <ul class="community">
                                        <li><a href="">Westmont of Fresno</a></li>
                                <!-- Nipomo -->
                                <li data-city="Nipomo">
                                    <a href="">Nipomo</a>
                                    <ul class="community">
                                        <li><a href="">The Oaks at Nipomo</a></li>
                                <!-- Paso Robles -->
                                <li data-city="Paso Robles">
                                    <a href="">Paso Robles</a>
                                    <ul class="community">
                                        <li><a href="">The Oaks at Paso Robles</a></li>
                                <!-- Northern California Cities... -->
                                <!-- Brentwood -->
                                <li data-city="Brentwood">
                                    <a href="">Brentwood</a>
                                    <ul class="community">
                                        <li><a href="">Westmont of Brentwood</a></li>
                                <!-- Morgan Hill -->
                                <li data-city="Morgan Hill">
                                    <a href="">Morgan Hill</a>
                                    <ul class="community">
                                        <li><a href="">Westmont of Morgan Hill</a></li>
                                <!-- Milpitas -->
                                <li data-city="Milpitas">
                                    <a href="">Milpitas</a>
                                    <ul class="community">
                                        <li><a href="">Westmont of Milpitas</a></li>
                                <!-- Pinole -->
                                <li data-city="Pinole">
                                    <a href="">Pinole</a>
                                    <ul class="community">
                                        <li><a href="">Westmont of Pinole</a></li>
                                <!-- Chico -->
                                <li data-city="Chico">
                                    <a href="">Chico</a>
                                    <ul class="community">
                                        <li><a href="">The Inn at the Terraces</a></li>
                                        <li><a href="">The Lodge at the Terraces</a></li>
                            </ul> <!-- End of California cities -->
                        <!-- Oregon -->
                        <li data-state="Oregon">
                            <a href="">Oregon</a>
                            <ul class="city">
                                <!-- Lincoln City -->
                                <li data-city="Lincoln City">
                                    <a href="">Lincoln City</a>
                                    <ul class="community">
                                        <li><a href="">Lakeview Senior Living</a></li>
                                <!-- Newport -->
                                <li data-city="Newport">
                                    <a href="">Newport</a>
                                    <ul class="community">
                                        <li><a href="">Oceanview Senior Living</a></li>
                            </ul> <!-- End of Oregon cities -->
                    </ul> <!-- End of state list -->