[JSON data recipes][1]
'use strict';
const cakeRecipes = require("./cake-recipes.json");
// If you're ready to test: uncomment the code below.
// printRecipes(searchRecipes(cakeRecipes, {})); // 162
// printRecipes(searchRecipes(cakeRecipes, { ingredients: ["carrot"] })); // 3
// printRecipes(searchRecipes(cakeRecipes, { authors: ["Good food"] })); // 32
// printRecipes(searchRecipes(cakeRecipes, { searchTerms: "christmas simple" })); // 5
// printRecipes(
// searchRecipes(cakeRecipes, {
// ingredients: ["nuts"],
// searchTerms: "christmas simple",
// })
// ); // 2
// printRecipes(
// searchRecipes(cakeRecipes, {
// authors: ["best", "cook"],
// ingredients: ["syrup"],
// searchTerms: "brunch pancakes",
// })
// ); // 2
//***********part 1: declare function search recipes****//
//Use the JSON.stringify method in this function converting the arrays to a string. This by every part of searching to make it possible to search.
const search = [''];
const result = [''];
function compareArraysWithJSONStringify (arraySearch, arrayResult) {
return JSON.stringify(arraySearch) === JSON.stringify(arrayResult);
let compareWithJSONStringify = compareArraysWithJSONStringify (search, result);
//Create a function called searchRecipes that takes all recipes and an object with search criteria.//This function should return an array of recipes that match the search parameters.// method filter() to create new array that filter recipes based on parameters. Push method to add a new item. Returns new array.
//set it to lower case to make it case insensitive
// Creating a function that returns an array of recipes that match the search parameters. Check first if the element is there in the JSON String.
const searchRecipes = (search,recipe) => {
const filterResult = []; // declare empty array.
function filterItems(search, recipe) {
return search.filter((el) => el.toLowerCase().includes(recipe.toLowerCase().filterResult.push((el))))
//************** part 2:ingredients***************//
// First use the JSON.stringify method to convert arrays to string in order to do search matching.
//set it to lower case to make it case insensitive
const filterIngredients = (recipe, search) => {
recipe = JSON.stringify(recipe).toLowerCase()
search = search.map((element) => element.toLowerCase())
const filterResult = searchItemInRecipe(search, recipe)// have to start searching
const result = compareSearchWithResult(search, filterResult) // compare the searching result
return result
//***************part 3:author***************//
// First use the JSON.stringify method to convert arrays to string in order to do search matching.
const searchForAuthor = (recipe, search) => {
recipe = JSON.stringify(recipe).toLowerCase()
search = search.map((el) => el.toLowerCase())
let result = false
if (
search.filter((el) => {
if (recipe.includes(el)) {
result = true
return result
//************part 4: searchterms*********//
const searchForSearchTerms = (recipe, search) => {
recipe = recipe.Name.concat(recipe.Description).toLowerCase()
search = search.toLowerCase() //
search = search.split(" ")
const filterResult = searchItemInRecipe(search, recipe)
const result = compareSearchWithResult(search, filterResult)
return result
// step for searching result recipes and ingredients
const filterRecipes = (recipes, search) => {
const result = []
recipes.forEach((recipe) => {
const ingredientsInRecipe = recipe.Ingredients
const ingrendientsInSearch = search.ingredients
if (ingrendientsInSearch) {
if (!searchForIngredients(ingredientsInRecipe, ingrendientsInSearch))
//search for author. Check if all is controlled works. Create new array for result using method push() , then return result
const authorFromRecipe = recipe.Author
const authorsFromSearch = search.authors
if (authorsFromSearch) {
if (!searchForAuthor(authorFromRecipe, authorsFromSearch)) return.
const searchTerms = search.searchTerms
if (searchTerms) {
if (!searchForSearchTerms(recipe, searchTerms)) return
return result
// Creating a function that takes an array of recipes
const printRecipes = (foundRecipes) => {
const amountOfRecipes = recipes.length
let recipeCount = 1
`Number of matched recipes are ${foundRecipes} ` );
//Log the found recipes
recipes.forEach((recipe) => {
const name = recipe.Name
const author = recipe.Author
const description = recipe.Description
const ingredients = recipe.Ingredients
// print out a list of recipes, displaying the name, author(s), description
foundRecipes.forEach((recipe) => {
console.log(`\nRecipe ${recipeCount++}:`)
console.log(`By: ${author}`)
console.log("\nAbout this recipe:")
ingredients.forEach((ingredient) => console.log(` * ${ingredient}`))
//Paramenters that are used in search
const searchParams = {
authors: ["best", "cook"],
ingredients: ["syrup"],
searchTerms: "brunch pancakes",
`First when controlling parts codes it works, but I got comment that it does not check the entire string. Please some guidelines/ what to do better in writing my codes? First JS project.
Thank you so much!
This is the assigment project task: // Create a function called searchRecipes that takes all recipes and an object with search criteria.This function should return an array of recipes that match the search parameters. Create a function called printRecipes that takes an array of recipes. • This function prints out the number of recipes it was given • It should also neatly print out a list of recipes, displaying the name, author(s), `
Welcome to Stack Overflow!
Remove the semi-colon and add two closing parenthesis.
Change the code on line 43 from
return search.filter((el) => el.toLowerCase().includes(recipe.toLowerCase().filterResult.push((el));
return search.filter((el) => el.toLowerCase().includes(recipe.toLowerCase().filterResult.push((el))))