I am trying to write functions allowing me to manipulate textures and I encoutered a problem that I think might be due to double precision , but I'm not sure. First , I'm loading an HDR image so I can compute an irradiance map of it. I need to convert pixels coordinates to UV , UV to spherical coordinates , then cartesian back and forth .
When I check how the conversion UV -> spherical -> UV , it seems to be valid :
On the other hand , converting UV -> spherical -> cartesian -> spherical -> UV gives me this :
There are two seams : one at x = 0.5 , and one less visible at x = 0 .
In addition , the weird thing is that this seam has a uniform RGB value , no matter the fact pixels are using bilinear interpolation . Here is the code I'm using in the class that computes the interpolation :
#include "Texture.h"
#include "../kernels/CubemapProcessing.cuh"
#include <sstream>
constexpr long double epsilon = 1e-10;
constexpr glm::dvec3 RED = glm::dvec3(1. , 0 , 0);
constexpr glm::dvec3 YELLOW = glm::dvec3(0 , 1 , 1);
constexpr glm::dvec3 GREEN = glm::dvec3(0 , 1 ,0);
constexpr glm::dvec3 BLUE = glm::dvec3(0 , 0 , 1);
constexpr glm::dvec3 BLACK = glm::dvec3(0);
template <class T>
class EnvmapProcessing{
* @brief Construct a texture from an envmap double HDR with 3 channels
* @param _data
* @param _width
* @param _height
EnvmapProcessing(const T *_data , const unsigned _width , const unsigned _height ,
const unsigned int num_channels = 3){
width = _width ;
height = _height ;
channels = num_channels ;
for(unsigned i = 0 ; i < width * height * num_channels ; i+=num_channels){
data.push_back(glm::vec3(_data[i] , _data[i+1] , _data[i+2]));
virtual ~EnvmapProcessing(){}
const std::vector<glm::vec3>& getData(){return data;}
* @brief Computes the radiance map according to the roughness values
* @param roughness
* @return TextureData
TextureData computeSpecularIrradiance(double roughness);
/* Implementation of templated methods*/
* @brief Get the normalized UV in [0 , 1] range , from [0 ,width/height] coordinates.
* @tparam D Type of coordinates .
* @param x Width coordinates in the range [0 , width[.
* @param y Height coordinates in the range [0 , height[.
* @return const glm::dvec2 UVs in the range [0 , 1].
template<class D>
inline const glm::dvec2 getUvFromPixelCoords(const D x , const D y) const {
return glm::dvec2(static_cast<long double>(x) / static_cast<long double>(width - 1) , static_cast<long double>(y) / static_cast<long double>(height - 1)) ;
* @brief Get the Pixel Coords From Uv object
* @tparam D
* @param u
* @param v
* @return const glm::dvec2
template<class D>
inline const glm::dvec2 getPixelCoordsFromUv(const D u , const D v) const {
return glm::dvec2(u * (static_cast<double>(width) - 1) , v * (static_cast<double>(height) - 1));
* @brief This method wrap around if the texture coordinates provided land beyond the texture dimensions, repeating the texture values on both axes.
* @tparam D Data type of the coordinates.
* @param u Horizontal UV coordinates.
* @param v Vertical UV coordinates.
* @return const glm::dvec2 Normalized coordinates in the [0 , 1] range.
template<class D>
inline const glm::dvec2 wrapAroundTexCoords(const D u , const D v) const {
D u_integer = 0 , v_integer = 0 ;
D u_double_p = 0. , v_double_p = 0. ;
u_integer = std::floor(u);
v_integer = std::floor(v);
if(u > 1. || u < 0.)
u_double_p = u - u_integer ;
u_double_p = u ;
if (v > 1. || v < 0.)
v_double_p = v - v_integer ;
v_double_p = v ;
return glm::dvec2(u_double_p , v_double_p);
* @brief Normalizes a set of pixel coordinates into texture bounds.
* @param x Horizontal coordinates.
* @param y Vertical coordinates.
* @return const glm::dvec2 Normalized coordinates
inline const glm::dvec2 wrapAroundPixelCoords(const int x , const int y) const {
unsigned int x_coord = 0 , y_coord = 0 ;
int _width = static_cast<int>(width);
int _height = static_cast<int>(height);
if(x >= _width)
x_coord = x % _width ;
else if(x < 0)
x_coord = _width + (x % _width) ;
x_coord = x ;
if(y >= _height)
y_coord = y % _height ;
else if(y < 0)
y_coord = _height + (y % _height);
y_coord = y ;
return glm::dvec2(x_coord , y_coord) ;
* @brief Computes an interpolation between 4 pixels.
* @param top_left
* @param top_right
* @param bottom_left
* @param bottom_right
* @param point
* @return * const T
const glm::dvec3 bilinearInterpolate(const glm::dvec2 top_left , const glm::dvec2 top_right , const glm::dvec2 bottom_left , const glm::dvec2 bottom_right , const glm::dvec2 point) const {
const double u = (point.x - top_left.x) / (top_right.x - top_left.x);
const double v = (point.y - top_left.y) / (bottom_left.y - top_left.y);
const glm::dvec3 top_interp = (1 - u) * discreteSample(top_left.x , top_left.y) + u * discreteSample(top_right.x , top_right.y);
const glm::dvec3 bot_interp = (1 - u) * discreteSample(bottom_left.x , bottom_left.y) + u * discreteSample(bottom_right.x , bottom_right.y) ;
return (1 - v) * top_interp + v * bot_interp ;
* @brief Sample the textures using Integer coordinates
* @param x Horizontal coordinates
* @param y Vertical coordinates
* @return const T RGB value of the sampled texel
inline const glm::dvec3 discreteSample(int x , int y) const{
const glm::dvec2 normalized = wrapAroundPixelCoords(static_cast<int>(x) , static_cast<int>(y));
const glm::dvec3 texel_value = data[normalized.x * height + normalized.y] ;
return texel_value ;
* @brief This method samples a value from the equirectangular envmap
*! Note : In case the coordinates go beyond the bounds of the texture , we wrap around .
*! In addition , sampling texels may return a bilinear interpolated value when u,v are converted to a (x ,y) non integer texture coordinate.
* @tparam D Type of the coordinates
* @param u Horizontal uv coordinates
* @param v Vertical uv coordinates
* @return T Returns a texel value of type T
template<class D>
inline const glm::dvec3 uvSample(const D u , const D v) const {
const glm::dvec2 wrap_uv = wrapAroundTexCoords(u , v);
const glm::dvec2 pixel_coords = getPixelCoordsFromUv(wrap_uv.x , wrap_uv.y);
const glm::dvec2 top_left(std::floor(pixel_coords.x) , std::floor(pixel_coords.y));
const glm::dvec2 top_right(std::floor(pixel_coords.x) + 1 , std::floor(pixel_coords.y));
const glm::dvec2 bottom_left(std::floor(pixel_coords.x) , std::floor(pixel_coords.y) + 1);
const glm::dvec2 bottom_right(std::floor(pixel_coords.x) + 1 , std::floor(pixel_coords.y) + 1);
const glm::dvec3 texel_value = bilinearInterpolate(top_left , top_right , bottom_left , bottom_right , pixel_coords);
return texel_value ;
* @brief Bake an equirect envmap to an irradiance map
* @param delta Size of the step
* @return std::unique_ptr<TextureData> Texture data containing width , height , and double f_data about the newly created map.
std::unique_ptr<TextureData> computeDiffuseIrradiance(const T delta) const {
TextureData envmap_tex_data ;
envmap_tex_data.data_format = Texture::RGB ;
envmap_tex_data.internal_format = Texture::RGB32F ;
envmap_tex_data.data_type = Texture::FLOAT;
envmap_tex_data.width = width ;
envmap_tex_data.height = height ;
envmap_tex_data.mipmaps = 0;
envmap_tex_data.f_data = new float[width * height * channels];
unsigned index = 0 ;
for(unsigned i = 0 ; i < width ; i++){
for(unsigned j = 0 ; j < height ; j++){
glm::dvec2 uv = getUvFromPixelCoords(i , j);
const glm::dvec2 sph = gpgpu_math::uvToSpherical(uv.x , uv.y);
const glm::dvec2 sph_to_uv = gpgpu_math::sphericalToUv(sph);
const glm::dvec3 cart = gpgpu_math::sphericalToCartesian(sph.x , sph.y);
glm::dvec2 cart_to_sph = gpgpu_math::cartesianToSpherical(cart);
glm::dvec2 uvt = gpgpu_math::sphericalToUv(cart_to_sph); //The problem is here , when the UVs have been obtained from Cartesians -> spherical coordinates.
const glm::dvec3 irrad = uvSample(uvt.x , uvt.y);
float x = static_cast<float>(irrad.x) ;
float y = static_cast<float>(irrad.y) ;
float z = static_cast<float>(irrad.z) ;
envmap_tex_data.f_data[index++] = x ;
envmap_tex_data.f_data[index++] = y ;
envmap_tex_data.f_data[index++] = z ;
return std::make_unique<TextureData>(envmap_tex_data);
std::vector<glm::vec3> data ;
unsigned width ;
unsigned height ;
unsigned channels ;
In addition , here's the code doing the conversions :
#include "Includes.cuh"
#include <cmath>
namespace gpgpu_math{
template<class T>
__host__ __device__
inline const glm::dvec2 uvToSpherical(const T u , const T v){
const T phi = 2 * PI * u;
const T theta = PI * v ;
return glm::dvec2(phi , theta);
__host__ __device__
inline const glm::dvec2 uvToSpherical(glm::dvec2 uv){
return uvToSpherical(uv.x , uv.y);
template<class T>
__host__ __device__
inline const glm::dvec2 sphericalToUv(const T phi , const T theta){
const T u = phi / (2 * PI) ;
const T v = theta / PI ;
return glm::dvec2(u , v);
__host__ __device__
inline const glm::dvec2 sphericalToUv(glm::dvec2 sph){
return sphericalToUv(sph.x , sph.y);
template<class T>
__host__ __device__
inline const glm::dvec3 sphericalToCartesian(const T phi , const T theta){
const T z = cos(theta);
const T x = sin(theta) * cos(phi);
const T y = sin(theta) * sin(phi);
return glm::normalize(glm::dvec3(x , y , z));
__host__ __device__
inline const glm::dvec3 sphericalToCartesian(glm::dvec2 sph){
return sphericalToCartesian(sph.x , sph.y);
template<class T>
__host__ __device__
inline const glm::dvec2 cartesianToSpherical(const T x , const T y , const T z){
const T theta = acos(z);
const T phi = atan2f(y , x);
return glm::dvec2(phi , theta);
__host__ __device__
inline const glm::dvec2 cartesianToSpherical(glm::dvec3 xyz){
return cartesianToSpherical(xyz.x , xyz.y , xyz.z);
So , the recap of the problem :
Turning my apparently useful comments into a coherent answer.
In sphericalToCartesian
you have
const T z = cos(theta);
const T x = sin(theta) * cos(phi);
const T y = sin(theta) * sin(phi);
and cartesianToSpherical
tries to invert that using
const T theta = acos(z);
const T phi = atan2f(y , x);
but if θ is a multiple of π then sin(theta)
is zero so x = y = 0
. This results in phi = atan2f(0, 0) = 0
and not the original value for φ. So for some values of θ the coordinates don't survive the round trip from spherical to Cartesian and back.
Typically you would expect that situation to occur at the north and south pole of your sphere, which should correspond to the top and bottom rim of the texture image. But it seems you also have swapped your x
and y
coordinates. When you write data[normalized.x * height + normalized.y]
that is accessing the pixels in column-major order where the more common convention for image data is row-major, i.e. would use data[normalized.x + normalized.y * width]
. This can cause the critical values for θ to correspond to surprising locations within your image, leading to these vertical seams instead of horizontal peculiarities at the very top and bottom.